the grandfather by surprise is silent

He birth through a surrogate in Miami of Ana Obregón’s granddaughter (legally daughter) is the fluttering of a butterfly in China that continues to cause earthquakes in Spain. A social and political storm that involved ministers, electoral candidates, party provosts, tweeters, commentators and an entire country in shock over the image of the 68-year-old actress (72, according to some sources) leaving the hospital with the baby that another woman had given birth to in her arms. A trigger served on paper couched and through an exclusive millionaire that forced to readjust the ideological positions regarding surrogacy, for talking about something while the national commotion subsided. The girl has turned out to be the daughter of Aless Lequio, who died of cancer at the age of 27 three years ago, and therefore the granddaughter of the grieving artist who contracted her conception by having the frozen sperm of her son and who presented it in the magazine Hello! in another very expensive scoop. Is also granddaughter of Alessandro Lequio, television commentator, earl, heartthrob and well-known celebrity. The butterfly has moved its wings and although it has not ruffled grandfather’s hair by surprise, it has opened a gossip front to the head of the Spanish State: “Is it true that Ana has asked you for the Bourbon Christian dress to baptize little Ana Sandra? & rdquor; we finished

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Count Lequio dodges questions and is silent from his habitual chair in The Ana Rosa Program, which is not exactly one of those who avoid gossip. When it became known that she was one of the few people aware of Obregón’s plans to make their child a posthumous father, he assured that he would not utter a single word about it. So that there are already specialists in interpreting his rictus of boredom, his eyebrow movements and his sad sighs when he is questioned about what is already the genetic soap opera of the century. From her mouth a “I neither confirm nor deny & rdquor; may May be the month chosen by the happy grandmother to present the book of her dead son, who only had time to write a small part, and to Christianize the creature with a skirt that has been used since the king emeritus, to Felipe VI, his sisters, daughters and nephews. The Infanta Beatriz de Borbón, Don Juan’s sister and Lequio’s grandmother, was commissioned to guard the 1938 garment of Queen Victoria Eugenia herself, and now he guards it. Because He is a great-grandson of Alfonso XIII, cousin therefore of the current monarch. So the girl Ana Sandra, born in Miami, occupies the 29th position in the line of succession to the Spanish throne, according to what scholars of dynasties have taken pains to refine. Behind her uncle Clemente, the eldest son of Lequio from her marriage to the Armani model Antonia Dell’Atte, and ahead of her aunt Ginevra Ena, a girl from her union with the current her partner, María Palacios. It is unlikely that such a circumstance would have any practical consequence in the life of the little girl born to cure an absence of hers, but her grandfather has carried the sets with pride for decades a title of count of dubious validity for having been granted by a dethroned king and nothing bad has gone for him.

say the lekiologists that Ana Obregón’s ex-partner does not share, but respects, the way in which she manages the pain for the loss of her only child, continually talking about her feelings, reliving it daily and suffering for the whole world. He prefers to keep that aspect of his life private., although it seems that at first he was suspicious of the actress’s plans regarding the baby and has dropped some doubt qualifying his son’s will. At 62, Alessandro Lequio is part of the Hispanic landscape of the heart and has spoken at length about his love affairs, often scandalously revealed, such as the one he had with the model Mar Flores, about the mistreatment denounced by some of his partners. , of his nude photos, or of his infidelity to Obregón herself (she described herself as “the national cuckold & rdquor;) in exchange for fame and the money necessary to lead a good life. “I am selling, I have sold and I will continue to sell”, the Italian assured without complexes in an interview. At the moment he scrupulously respects the “principle of silence & rdquor; that he has imposed on himself, resisting the constant bombardment of other people’s curiosity about his offspring.
