The Government will finally hire 3,566 teachers in January (almost 100 more than planned)

  • On Monday they will send to the centers a document with proposals to apply the reduction of one hour to teachers

The General Director of Teachers of the Generalitat, Dolors Collellassured this Thursday that the Government will finally hire 3,566 educational professionals to implement the reduction of one teaching hour for teachers from January, which means 94 more than initially planned (3,472) in the agreement reached with unions on September 1.

Speaking to journalists after the meeting with the Permanent Central Board of Directors for the implementation of the reduction of one teaching hour agreed with the unionsCollell has said that the number of troops is closed but that if “situations arise that make it necessary to reassess, it will be done”. The manager explained that this increase has occurred because “not only has the structural template that was already named been covered, but also what has been incorporated subsequently, such as the inclusive education“.

structural measure

On the other hand, Collell has assured that the incorporation of these more than 3,500 educational professionals to the educational system takes place structurally, that is, “they remain in the structure of the system, there is no need to negotiate or go to Budgets”. This Thursday’s meeting with directors of educational centers has served to present the document of proposals to apply the reduction of one teaching hour. A sectoral table is convened on Monday and, later, that same day it will be sent to all the centers.

Regarding the specific proposals in this document, he said that they are along the lines of “guarantee that there is no great affectation in the pedagogical organization”. “The measure will be applied with the least pedagogical impact and with all the complicity, work and collaboration of the directors of the centers, and their help and contributions,” he added.

Discomfort in the centers

Collell’s explanations come a few weeks after several directors of institutes in Barcelona announced that they were standing up and that they would not redo the timetables, considering that it is unfeasible to do so in the middle of the year without affecting the proper functioning of the classes (and without negatively impacting the students, especially in the most vulnerable). A refusal that has also generated a conflict with the unions, which insist that the measure must be applied.

Asked about the criticism from the unions who claim that no progress is being made in the negotiations of the rest of their claims -so they will be mobilized next week-, Collell has responded that “it is not true” and that “the calendar is being followed”.

The procedure

Collell has pointed out that the centers were already informed at the end of September of what the additional workforce would be from January 1 and that now “Each center already knows what increase it will have”. After the document is sent to the centers next Monday, a stage will be opened for them to make proposals for the specialist teachers they need, and in In December, the Ministry will make the appointments so that the teachers can join on January 1 effectively.

Related news

The representative of the Central Board of Directors and from the directorates of Tarragona, Eduard Planes, who has stated that in his center one of the possible solutions to apply the reduction in teaching hours is that for the “teachers who are monitoring the playground, which are teaching hours, reduce two patio hours and turn them into coordination hours.

diverse realities

The representative on the Central Board of school institutes in central Catalonia, pau gaitanhas assured that an attempt has been made to reduce the impact as much as possible and that “as of January 1 the change is minimal“. Lastly, the permanent Board member, Arthur Ramirez, He has reiterated that the instructions to the centers are general and that each one will apply them according to their specific reality, but that they will try to “not touch the tutorials and, if possible, neither the specialties”.
