The Government will create some 30,000 jobs for the General State Administration

The Government has reached an agreement with two of the three most representative unions -UGT and Csif- in the public service for the public employment offer of 2023. He Ministry of Finance and Public Function will bring out opposition a twenty% further of posts for the General State Administration (AGE) than the previous year, according to various union sources consulted. Which would raise the jobs offered above the level of 30,000, at the expense of the concretion of the State security forces and bodies and the calls for stabilization.

The minister’s negotiators Maria Jesus Montero They have been transferring to the central offices the information on the new offer of public employment in drops. To the point that the most representative unions among civil servants –csif, CCOO and UGT– They still do not have official confirmation of the exact figure that the Government will take to the Council of Ministers, presumably this Tuesday. This has been the reason why the CCOO has decided not to sign the agreement for the OEP. “It does not guarantee public service to the citizenry,” say sources from this union. From the Public Function, to questions from EL PERIÓDICO, they have declined to make statements in this regard.

After several hours of meetings that have started at ten in the morning, the Government considers closed the talks for the OEP of 2023 in the general administration of the State. The number of vacancies will be 20% higher than in 2022. Based on this reference, last year the AGE took out a total of 25,471 vacancies, of which 15,880 will be new-entry vacancies and 9,591 internal promotion vacancies. In other words, applying the 20% increase, the offer for the AGE would be around 30,000 places.

The calls for the staff stabilization -last year there were 4,107 places- it is expected that they will come out in an independent royal decree, according to the centrals. It will also remain to specify how many positions for the administration of justice and the State security forces and bodies the Government will end up offering. Last year, globally, a total of 44,788 places were reached, a record number to date.

Agreement two weeks before the elections

Usually the offer of public employment is specified each year between the months of March and May. However, this 2023 and given the holding of the municipal elections, the Government delayed the negotiations with the unions. Finally, it has decided to reactivate them a few weeks before the general elections on July 23, with the intention of taking the agreement with Csif and UGT to Minister council before the votes.

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“We have agreed on the call for 2,500 places of necessary and urgent coverage of the Administrative Body of the Administration of the Social Security for the maintenance of an adequate provision of public services, authorized for its performance by personnel interim civil servant at the end of 2022, until its inclusion in the first public employment offer in which its coverage with career civil servants is possible,” UGT said in a statement.

“Csif considers that this offer represents a significant advance compared to last year’s offer, which was already qualified as a historic offerand aims to expedite the selection processes, favor the internal promotion system, the professional career and guarantee staff that are adequate to the real needs of citizens,” he said in a statement.
