The government leaves the country

It was always predictable that the government armed by Cristina Kirchner after placing in the presidency a character he despised. Forced to choose between creeping subservience and quixotic independence, Alberto Fernandez he would manage to disappoint both those who imagined that he would free himself from the tutelage of a vengeful woman and those who were persuaded that while he would remain an obedient puppet, he would prove to be a relatively effective administrator. Lately, though, the man seems to have come to the conclusion that it would be useless for him to try to please Cristina and her relatives from La Cámpora, in the wordy harangue with which he inaugurated the regular sessions of Congress he vainly tried to soften her up.

For many, that speech, which after a reassuring passage turned into one full of fury directed against the judges of the supreme court that they endured like statues the torrent of invective with which he covered them, it was a farewell message, since Alberto will know that the possibility of him continuing in power after December 10 is virtually nil. Even if the risk that a Legislative Assembly will evict him earlier has diminished, the immediate future seems so bleak that it is quite possible that in the coming weeks the panorama will change radically.

Until now, the citizens have tolerated with exemplary stoicism the consequences of a management carried out by individuals whose priorities are foreign to them, but there is no guarantee that the truce thus supposed will last until the date set by the national Constitution arrives for it to assume a government of another sign.

Before moving to the Casa Rosada and the residence of Olivos, Alberto he had the reputation of being a very cunning political operator who mastered the dark arts of his trade. If he had principles, they were those of a criminal lawyer who temporarily adopted those of his clients. And, until one fine day the boss of the fledgling The K dynasty offered him the presidency of the Republic, seemed to understand that it is one thing to be a good consigliere and quite another to be the best man. It would seem that Cristina had been so impressed by the verbiage of the law professor that she had accompanied her husband that she believed him capable of completely changing the current legal system. Needless to say, the lady was wrong. Angered by the attempts to intimidate them, many judges, beginning with those of the Supreme Court, and prosecutors they are even more determined than before to ensure that she ends up properly sentenced.

Alberto will be able to console himself by noticing that the influence of the vice president It is declining as more and more Peronists realize that submitting to their whims no longer yields as much as in the past, but it happens that their own shares are on the floor, unlike those of Sergio Massa who, little by little, are rising to despite the inflationary hurricane that continues to sweep away everything in its path. In the opinion of many, the Tigrense is the only member of the team improvised by Kirchnerism that he is interested in governing.

If they were already on the plain, the Kirchnerists would lead the protests against inflation that, If we are lucky, it will not exceed 120 percent annually while they are in charge of the economy, street insecurity fueled by drug trafficking and the extremely precarious state of energy networks. Since they are in power, they prefer to ignore such issues to concentrate on what they believe are the shortcomings of the judicial system, the most serious of which is the resistance of the Supreme Court to coddle the rampant corruption that is one of the hallmarks of the Kirchnerists.

To no one’s surprise, in his speech Alberto abstained to allude to the issues that most concern the majority, but reality did not take long to warn him that to ignore them is useless. As soon as he stopped haranguing those gathered in Congress, telling them, among other things, that Argentina was preparing to be a great source of energy for the rest of the planet, the country suffered a gigantic blackout that deprived twenty million people of electricity. people and in Rosario some subjects shot at the supermarket belonging to Lionel Messi’s in-laws in order to send him an unloving message: “we are waiting for you, Javkin is a drug trafficker, he will not take care of you.”

Were drug traffickers responsible for the threat to the most famous athlete in the world? It is possible, even probable, but from his point of view, it will have been an almost comically counterproductive maneuver because it forced a government that has never shown much interest in the Rosario drama to react and pay more attention to what is happening in the prisons that, thanks to the proliferation of cell phones, drug lords can use as their headquarters, communicating daily with their “soldiers” with the connivance of guards and police. To repeat episodes like that of last week that had worldwide repercussions, they will only intensify the pressure so that the national authorities take much more seriously the very serious danger posed by drug trafficking in Rosario, the Buenos Aires suburbs and other parts of the country.

To further inconvenience a government whose Security Minister, Aníbal Fernándezsay what “the narcos won”, Although he added that “the situation must be reversed”, the attack on Messi’s relatives coincided with a crazy Kirchnerist campaign to discredit the most famous Argentine in the world – even more so than Jorge Bergoglio – because, in addition to agreeing to share a photo with the satanic Mauricio Macri, follows him on Instagram. For Cristina and the thinkers K, Maradona he was a people, a good proletarian, and Messi, his successor as the best of all, represents the despised middle class or bourgeoisie, and therefore must be consigned to hell. Although it is normal for politicians to try to take advantage of the exploits of sports idols, hence the somewhat ridiculous efforts of members of the government such as Wado de Pedro to take a picture with Messi and other members of the national team when they arrived at Ezeiza, they should not erupt in rage if his attempts to recruit the most popular stars into his own team fail.

In addition to playing a key role in the fight for the most coveted trophy in world sport, Without meaning to, Messi has made another significant contribution to the country, forcing Alberto to recognizer that the people of Rosario are Argentines and that therefore it is up to the government to “do something” to defend them against the drug traffickers who every day murder members of rival gangs or, for no apparent reason, men, women and children who are shot to death.

According to the mayor Pablo Javkin, since the Kirchnerists are in power, Rosario has not received “a damn of concrete help.” it will be because Javkin is from the Progressive Front and the governor of Santa Fe, Omar Perotti, a Peronist who doesn’t get along very well with Alberto or Hannibal, whom both accuse of having abandoned Rosario to their fate. It is that, true to their style, the Kirchnerists have never hesitated to discriminate between jurisdictions, showering benefits on those they believe to be their own, such as the province of Buenos Aires, and boycotting, or worse, others, when it is a matter of distributing funds. federal or assume direct responsibilities.

Now, as Mexicans have learned after years of a virtual civil war between the military and extraordinarily bloody cartels, fighting drug trafficking is not entirely easy. The firepower of the hitmen may be low compared to that of the police, the gendarmerie and the armed forces, but it is supplemented by phenomenal amounts of money that they use to buy commissioners, judges, military commanders and, needless to say, politicians. In a society as accustomed to corruption as Argentina’s, and so battered by growing poverty, mobilizing to stop the drug traffickers before it’s too late would require the collaboration of a multitude of people who are often more willing to highlight their differences than Think about what you have in common.

In circumstances like these, there will be no alternative but to require the State to use all the force that is necessary against the criminal gangs that are sowing death in Rosario and areas of other cities, but it is legitimate to fear that a consensual decision in this regard it would unleash the systematic violation of the most fundamental human rights. It is partly for this reason that the proposed Patricia Bullrich, that I would like the Armed Forces will help crush the drug traffickers, has sparked controversy within the Pro, although his attitude seems less bellicose than that of the Peronist Daniel Scioli that he affirms himself “to the right of the right” when it comes to confronting the drug traffickers, which would place him next to the president Salvadoran Nayib Bukele who has an approval rating of 92 percent thanks to the expeditious way in which he has rounded up the gang members of the maras, sending those captured to a “mega-prison” -a concentration camp- in which at least 40,000 could fit thugs.

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