The Government guarantees the Andalusian PSOE that it will not convene the table with the Generalitat of Catalonia until after 19J

Isabel Morillo, Juanma Romero

05/24/2022 at 07:39


The Andalusian PSOE He has guarantees that during the next few days and until the end of the electoral campaign there will not be a meeting of the dialogue table with Catalonia, as the ERC partners demand of Pedro Sánchez after the storm of espionage on the independence leaders. Sources from the highest level of the party in Andalusia assured this newspaper that they have full guarantee that the focus will not be on this bilateral meeting or on the alliances with ERC until the regional elections on June 19 are over.

Sánchez was this pre-campaign Sunday with the Andalusian candidate, Juan Espadas, in an act in Grenade. In the act there was not a word about Catalonia or its alliances in Congress. The focus was on advances in social policies during this legislature. The crisis within the Government, with the coalition partners divided between Podemos and Vice President Yolanda Díaz, already turns any negotiation within the Executive into hell and two sides are working. The parliamentary fragility of the Government also leaves the initiatives in the hands of ERC, EH Bildu or PNV, which abandoned the Executive in the validation of the labor reform. The Republicans also did not support the decree law of measures to curb the economic effects of the war after the outbreak of the ‘Pegasus case’, a text saved by the ‘abertzale’ left.

The Andalusian PSOE knows about the complications for Sánchez but ask for time. He fears that a photo with Pere Aragonès, either in a call for dialogue with Catalonia or in a meeting of two, will give ammunition to the PP during the campaign. This bilateral meeting forum triggers the speech of the grievance in Andalusia, whose Government demanded treatment exactly the same as that of the Generalitat and at the same level.

In the socialist ranks they know that alliances with the Catalan independence movement are rejected by their electorate. The central idea is thus to defend the management of the Government

In the socialist ranks they know that alliances with the Catalan independence movement are rejected by their electorate. In fact, these pacts are discounted as one of the reasons that lead traditional PSOE voters to abstain or move their vote in a barn like the Andalusian one, where this party was hegemonic for years. The debate on the territorial axis distances the Andalusian socialists from Ferraz or, at least, forces them to set differences, something they do not want to happen in the campaign. They convey that the message must be defend the administration of the government de Sánchez, who has been able, they insist, to face a global pandemic by shielding the most disadvantaged. “What we have to talk about now is social policies, which are our hallmark, the minimum vital income, the ertes to protect workers, the covid funds that the State has transferred to the autonomies… & rdquor; , insist sources in the first line of the Andalusian PSOE.

complicated schedule

From Moncloa, they cling to the speech exhibited in recent days: that they are “aligning agendas” and that the president is willing to meet with Aragonès and call the dialogue table “when you also consider the Catalan part“. That is to say, it is the Generalitat that is dragging its feet, not the Government, because the socialist leader wants to preserve the dialogue with the ERC and the talks have not broken down at any time. For now, the meeting with the ERC is not on the agenda. head of the Government, and this week it already seems impossible due to the presence of Sánchez in Davos (He returns on Wednesday) and his appearance in the plenary session of Congress on Thursday, and on Friday he has scheduled events. And next Monday and Tuesday she attends the informal EU summit in Brussels. Once the campaign starts, on June 3, Sánchez will participate in several rallies, such as this Sunday in Granada and last May 14 in Jaén.

The Andalusian PP is going to slaughter and aspires to take 90,000 PSOE voters who are upset with Sánchez and who see in Moreno “an option of a moderate center”

“We don’t know when the meeting with Aragonès or the dialogue table will be, but It has nothing to do with it“, they point out to this newspaper on the heights of Ferraz, at the party’s headquarters, insisting that if there is no appointment with Catalonia it is not because of the Andalusian campaign. However, several sources from Moncloa do admit that doesn’t seem “convenient” make gestures with the Generalitat with the elections underway in a key territory for the PSOE. Today, therefore, there is no forecast of meetings with the Government, although the immediate roadmap will be set by Sánchez in Congress this Thursday. In any case, both in the Executive and in Ferraz considers the case “very worn already” and ERC “is no longer interested in the subject at all”, summarizes a veteran socialist: “Now we have to focus on making the best campaign we can in Andalusia”.

It is easy to go through the newspaper library on any pre-campaign day to see clearly that the Andalusian PP is going to slaughter with this matter against the PSOE. An example: the campaign coordinator of the Andalusian PP and general coordinator of the national PP, Elías Bendodo, criticized days ago the “silence” of the Andalusian PSOE before the “ravings & rdquor; de Sánchez and accused Espadas of acting as his “vassal & rdquor ;. The reason: the president should “explain why he has delivered the head of the director of the CNI to the independence movement on a silver platter and if he is going to campaign with those who want to break up Spain or the heirs of ETA, such as [Gabriel] Ruffian, [Arnaldo] Otegi or well [Oriol] Junqueras & rdquor ;. Faced with the “cowardly silence & rdquor; of the Andalusian PSOE, Bendodo stresses that the PP is “the only serious option for Andalusia to continue growing.”

Juanma Moreno’s PP aspires to take 90,000 votes from the Andalusian PSOE, according to the president’s hard core as a campaign strategy. Socialists, they insist, uncomfortable with Sánchez’s model and who see in the president of the Board “a moderate center option which is not scary for Social Democratic voters & rdquor ;. It is already a classic that Moreno claims, like Alberto Núñez Feijóo, Felipe González’s PSOE, and even says that he attended his rallies when he was young. A strategy that the PSOE does not want to feed by focusing on alliances with ERC.
