The Government extends the closure of the borders of Ceuta and Melilla for 15 days

04/30/2022 at 10:06


The government has decided extend the closure of the land borders of Ceuta and Melilla for 15 days with Morocco, that concluded this midnight, to finalize with the neighboring country the mechanisms that will govern the next reopening of the steps, according to the order published this Saturday in the Official State Gazette (BOE).

In accordance with that order, from the Ministry of the Interior, the closure that was decreed with the pandemic is extended this time “only fifteen days, while the conditions for the orderly and progressive reopening of the land posts enabled for entry and exit from Spain through the cities of Ceuta and Melilla are finished, without prejudice to the possibility of modifying any of the items before that deadline & rdquor ;.

The current border order, with the restrictions that apply to Spanish external land, sea and air borders under the recommendations of the Council of the European Union, it expires this midnight.

The extension, therefore, It will take effect from 00:00 hours on May 1 until 24:00 hours on May 15, Although it could be modified if circumstances change, it is noted in the new order published in the BOE.

Operation Crossing the Strait

In a statement, Interior explains that in this period the Spanish-Moroccan working groups created by virtue of the agreement reached by the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, and King Mohamed VI they will continue their meetings and outline all the details of the reopening of the border crossingsclosed from March 13, 2020.

According to the Ministry, the works are well advanced and a reopening is being designed that will be gradual and which will have all the guarantees, both from a health and safety point of view.

To ensure security needs, Interior highlights that it has reinforced the police force both in Ceuta as in Melilla.

The joint declaration signed on April 9 by Spain and Morocco marked the roadmap of the new bilateral relationswhich includes the reopening of border crossings and the reestablishment of air and maritime traffic, respect for borders, and cooperation in matters such as immigration, economic and cultural development or education.

On Thursday, May 5, two delegations from Spain and Morocco will meet in Rabat to prepare the Operation Crossing the Strait 2022, suspended since 2020, and on Friday the 6th the working group on migration will also meet in the Moroccan capital.
