The gloomy predictions that Nostradamus wrote about the city of Córdoba

06/19/2023 at 11:41


The French doctor mentioned Córdoba in his predictions

There is no consensus on the interpretation

Nostradamus is a well-known French intellectual famous for his predictions for the future within his ‘centuries’ that have astonished the entire world for their reliability. It must be taken into account that They date from the 16th century, so they also have great artistic value.

Among the most notorious hits are the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the destruction of the Twin Towers in New York, the world wars, the Napoleonic wars or the death of Elizabeth II.

A curiosity that not everyone knows, is that Nostradamus spoke on several occasions about Spain. Among his favorite places in the country is Córdoba, the city he spoke of in three curious prophecies.

Nostradamus, a world reference in divination

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Centuria III – Quartet X

“For the regions of the great Betico river, Far from Iberia, in the kingdom of Granada: Crosses rejected by the Mohammedan people, One of Cordova will betray the country.”

Century VIII – Quartet LII

“The Byzantine making an oblation, After having retaken for himself Cordova: His way long rest taken, Sea passing prow by occupied Golongna.”

Century IX – Quatrain XLIV

“When a King marches against his own, Native of Blois, he will subdue the Ligurs, Mammel, Cordova and the Dalmatians, Of seven then the shadow to the King gifts and the walls.”

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The experts do not dare for the moment to set a chair on the prediction nor to relate a historical event in the city to the quatrain. That being said, let’s hope the French apothecary wasn’t right because they make your hair stand on end.


It exists according to Caesarem by Nostradamus, a date with a harsh prediction for Spain. Nostradamus narrated in his prophecies the beginning of a series of unflattering events in Spain from 2026, coinciding with three eclipses that would happen on August 12, 2026, August 2, 2027 and January 26, 2028.

The eclipse of 2026 would have identical characteristics as one that happened centuries ago. Specifically in 666 AD, a date with clear apocalyptic connotations. In sextilla 46 of the sixth century (the one that coincides with the 21st century), some war events that take place between Spain and North Africa.

Blood moon eclipse: what it is and when it can be seen from Earth

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Many people interpret these omens like a war between Muslim and European countries. Some experts have associated this war with the rise of terrorist organizations such as ISIS or DAESH, which have affected Europe in recent years.

There’s also people who simply and plainly associate climatic problems typical of the African continent with these catastrophes. Desertification is a phenomenon that has been increasing in recent years and for the next 5 years it could worsen to the extreme, changing the appearance of Spain forever.
