The German rap scene shows solidarity with the Ukraine

“#standwithukraine” is the message that many people are using to express their solidarity with Ukraine. In addition, demonstrations calling for a ceasefire and peace were organized around the world. This is also the case in Berlin – where more than 100,000 people took to the streets last Sunday to demonstrate against the war by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The German rap scene also shows solidarity with the Ukraine and, among other things, uses its reach to mobilize its communities. Many of the rappers ask for donations in kind and collections or call for more political participation. The commitment and empathy is great – perhaps also because many are experiencing for the first time up close what it means when relatives and family are or could be affected.

Capital Bra: We just don’t want war”

The German rapper Olexesh was born in Kyiv and wrote to his family on Instagram: “I love you, only you are important to me. I hope you survive the war.” Capital Bra also feels a strong connection to the Ukraine. As is well known, the Russian-born rapper grew up in the Ukrainian city of Dnipropetrovk for a while. Already in 2014, the rapper took a stand against the Russian-Ukrainian conflict in Crimea. Watch and listen to the video clip for the single “No War in Ukraine” here:

The rapper Prince Pi is very concerned on Instagram. He expresses his sympathy and commitment in the form of a video and appeals to his followers. Among other things, the Berliner addresses the importance of political participation as well as monetary and material donations. Everyone can make a difference, emphasizes Prince Pi:

Rapper Massiv acted even more drastically and without further ado arranged two coaches with relief supplies towards the Ukrainian border. He feels “obligated to do so as a human being,” he wrote on Instagram:
