The German Defense Minister speaks in Europe: “We want military support” | Buitenland

“We want to know if the idea is that it is in Europe,” said Pistorius on the German television station “ZDF”.

With the same crisis as in the Midden-Oosten, the minister op tot a mentaliteitswijziging in the samenleving. “We want military preparedness.” Hij zei that Germany is worth it and that it is for the Bundeswehr as well as for the seed levying.

Criticism of the modernization of the Bundeswehr has been slow, confusing Pistorius. “Veel sneller is gewoon niet mogelijk,” zei hij.

“Everything that has been lost in 30 years can never be achieved in 19 months. In three, four years of the Bundeswehr, he really had a completely different approach,” he said.

Pistorius benadrukte the Bundeswehr vandaag de dag al geldt as one of the strongest strijdkrachten within the NAVO in Europe.

Tegelijkertijd, zei hij, zal Germany everything does what in zijn makes light om ervoor te zorgen dat he geen verdere escalatie plaatsvindt van the conflict in the Midden-Oosten.

KIJK. Professor Criekemans: “De kans op een escalatie is real”
