The Generalitat will pay for a year of internships for young people who join the fishing sector

The crisis in which the Catalan fishing sector, which has seen the fleet reduced by half in two decades, It needs a significant boost. And that happens, for example, encourage the incorporation of young peoplein addition to facilitating the exit of fishing products, with a stimulus to increase consumption and ones sales prices that allow costs to be covered of production. The three issues form the backbone of the plan designed by the Department of Climate Action, Fisheries and Food to protect and promote an activity that In 2022 it employed 1,245 peoplewith a sales volume at the market of 98.27 million euros.

Thus, to facilitate the generational relief and prevent the aging of the sector, the Generalitat is going to launch a paid apprenticeship program on board the boats for unemployed young people who have completed a fisherman sailor training and the basic safety training. This plan, to which almost 20,000 euros per year per internship contract, will consist of the temporary hiring of apprentices for one year, who will work accompanied by a professional with at least five years of experience at sea. In this training period, courses will be included on sustainable fishing practices, shellfish and conservation of marine biological resources.

Some women repair fishing nets in the port. / Conselleria d’Acció Climàtica, Pesca i Alimentació

El plan, presentado este sábado en el puerto de Arenys de Mar (Maresme) ante representantes del sector pesquero y marineros recién titulados por parte del director general de Pesca, Sergi Tudela, y el conseller de Acció Climàtica, David Mascort, también prevé otras medidas de apoyo, como una línea de ayudas dirigidas a jóvenes para la adquisición de la primera embarcación, dotado con 300.000 euros. También se trabajará para dar a conocer los oficios pesqueros a través de colegios e institutos, servicios de empleo, medios de comunicación, ferias y jornadas, además de favorecer la orientación formativa sobre la profesión pesquera y dignificar la figura de los trabajadores del mar.

En total, la Generalitat prevé destinar más de 19 millones de euros para las actuaciones dirigidas a la implementación del plan, que se sumarán a los 15 que yuadestinó en 2023.
