The gender gap of which little is said but which already has many effects

Antonella Baccaro (photo by Carlo Furgeri Gilbert).

THEn Italy, couples in which a woman is the best-educated partner are on the rise. While those in which the two components have the same level of education remain in the majority (64.9 per cent), but in marked decrease.

He tells it the latest Istat Reportaccording to which among the “unbalanced” couples, those in which women have a higher educational qualification than men are 20.7 percent against 14.4 percent.

At the beginning of the millennium – the report warns – the opposite was true: 12.4 percent versus 13.4 percent.

The phenomenon is widespread in the younger generations. But not only: in the last two years (20202021) even in couples in which the woman is more mature (55-64 years).

It’s still: the phenomenon represents “a far-reaching change that involves all types of couples and all areas of the country”.

The most significant increase is recorded among couples that are created after the end of previous relationships: from 13.5 percent to 25.9 percent in twenty years.

If the question ended here, we could limit ourselves to commenting that this is what has already happened elsewhere, in particular in the USA, until now a laboratory for experimentation of Western civilization.

There, the increase in the level of female education, now reaching secondary education and beyond, has already inspired sociology and psychology that have deepened its implications within relationships.

A condition of adaptation of the more educated women who would suffer the difficulty of finding a partner with the same level of education more than has ever happened with reversed parts.

In the States, however, the higher level of education has also meant a female advancement in the world of work and an improvement in pay. Which perhaps made that groove deeper.

We are not at this point in Italy: women continue to have a low employment rate and an inadequate level of employment and salary compared to their educational qualifications.

A situation that probably creates a state of frustration that cannot fail to affect the quality of relationships. Is that could be among the causes of the surge in separations and divorces.

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