the gale continues with the Sunday storm

After the storm Ciaránit’s the turn of Sundays. The new disturbance will mark the time in Catalonia this Saturday, November 4. The front associated with this storm will bring lrain and, above all, wind.

The effects of the new storm have caused the Generalitat to maintain the notices due to the intensity of the wind and the state of the sea.

The rains They have already appeared during the early morning in the northwest, and during the morning they will spread to the rest of the western regions and even in other areas of Catalonia. From midday onwards, precipitation will be restricted to the southern slopes of the Pyrenees and western Pre-Pyrenees, although isolated showers are not ruled out at other points.

The level of snow It will rise to 2,600 meters at noon and then descend to 1,500 meters on the southern slope of the Pyrenean regions.

Less cold

Thermometers will rise today, in part because the front carries warm air. The rise in temperatures will be more prominent in coastal and pre-coastal areas.

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He wind It will blow strongly in the morning in the highest areas. As the hours progress there may be very strong gusts of southerly winds in the northeastern regions and on the peaks of the Pyrenees. In the afternoon, the wind will also be intense in parts of the coast and the precoast.

On Sunday, calm

He Sunday we will have a much longer day stable. Clouds will only appear in the Pyrenees and some northeastern regions. Temperatures will rise again. He Mondaythe week will start with a new episode of instability, although the rains will be restricted to the north. The thermometers will go down again.
