The G7 reiterates its commitment to reduce dependence on Russian energy

The G7 leaders They reiterated this Sunday their commitment to reduce dependence on Russian energy in retaliation for war in ukraine, according to a joint statement distributed by the White House. “We commit to gradually eliminate our dependence on Russian energy, including eliminate or ban the import of Russian oil“said the G7, made up of the United States, Germany, Canada, France, Italy, Japan and the United Kingdom.

The leaders of the seven powers affirmed that the transition will be made in an “orderly” way and with time for the world to find alternative supply routes.

This declaration of intent comes after the countries of the European Union (EU) were unable to reach an agreement this Sunday to ban oil imports from Russia in response to the war in Ukraine, due to the difficulties posed for some partners by their moscow oil dependency.

USAwhich depends much less than Europe of Russian energy, already announced in March a ban on imports of oil, gas and coal from Russia.

Zelensky’s intervention

The G7 meeting, which was held virtually, was attended by the Ukrainian president, Volodímir Zelensky. Zelensky reaffirmed his intention to defeat the Russian troops and explained that Ukraine depends on its international partnersin particular the G7, to get enough military resources and so that the Ukrainian economy can recover after the destruction of the war, according to the White House.

In response, the leaders of this group reiterated their commitment to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, as well as their struggle for a prosperous and democratic future.

More sanctions

After the meeting, the United States announced sanctions against 27 directors of the Russian bank Gazprombank, which is the main channel used by the member states of the European Union (EU) to buy gas from Russia.

Washington also took action against the Russian television networks Channel One, Rossiya and NTV, against the arms manufacturer Promtekhnologiya and against seven shipping companies.

The telematic summit was announced on Friday by the German government, the country that holds the rotating presidency of the G7.

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One of its objectives was to strengthen the solidarity of the G7 with Ukraine on the occasion of the so-called Victory Day, the anniversary of the Capitulation of the Third Reich and the defeat of Nazism.

The Group of 7 (G7) was previously known as the G8, but Russia was expelled in 2014 after its annexation of the Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea.
