The fury of “My other self”: what are family constellations?

The premiere of the Turkish miniseries my other self in Netflixdeals with a topic that the streaming platform had not previously touched: family constellations. The proposal of the streaming giant is summarized in 8 episodes and reflects the story of a group of friends who are discovering how their predecessors marked their lives.

Under the direction of Burcu Alptekin and the script of Nuran Evren Sit. It is about three friends who join a family constellation workshop in an attempt to help one of them who was diagnosed with cancer. With the help of a constellatoreach one faces their own traumas linked to the past of their ancestors.

After its premiere on the platform, the queries in the centers dedicated to family constellations grew, positioning the searches in Google of the term “family constellations” throughout the country. Although alternative therapy is not regulated or regulated by the Ministry of Health, some specialists do not prohibit it as a complementary practice. Based on fiction, many people approach specialized workshops in this therapeutic modality to learn about its treatment and its origin.

family constellations

The German Bert Hellinger He was the creator of family constellation therapy, a therapy hypothesis in the context of systemic psychology that posits that family members influence each other’s health and behavior. Family constellations show us what are the disorders that exist in the dynamics that govern our lives

The former Catholic priest and psychotherapist, who died in 2019, raised the existence of orders of love that guide family systems and that, if they are not taken into account, can generate disorders or illnesses on a psychic or physical level. The treatment of the Constellator or Facilitator is to discover and solve the difficulties generated by this deviation.

In Argentina, the first Bert Hellinger Center was created in 1999. The founder of the treatment himself was present at the start of the institute, led by the therapist Tilu Bolzmannwhich from 2012 was renamed Latin American Center for Family Constellations and Systemic Solutions. The organization focuses on conducting workshops, training and research in the dissemination of alternative treatment.

The therapy, according to the Center, consists of the facilitator brings together the consultants in a space where introspective analysis is part of a system. There, the constellator reads the images of the expressions and translates what happens in the constellation of each of those present, depending on the needs.

What are Family Constellations? It is the book written by Tilu Bolzmann that introduced the Family Systemic Therapy in the country and in the region. Systemic laws is the genesis of the theory, dating back to 1946 by psychologists, scientists and biologists such as Talcott Parsons, Humberto Maturana Y Ludwig von Bertalanffywhich leads to this hypothesis of this psychotherapy.

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