The funny orange cat and the 5 feline personalities for science

SOn social networks it is a widespread idea: the color of the fur of the indoor feline is a sign of personality. Just take a look at the cat videos on TikTok. The orange ones are immortalized in videos and memes which seem mostly stupid: They fall repeatedly, make strange moves or get stuck in awkward places. It is assumed that tortoiseshell ones are particularly strong-willed (we speak oftortitude”). The black cat, if social media is to be believed, would instead be particularly intelligent.

“I don't like the black cat”, against prejudices and clichés

Fur colour, breed, environment: what does a cat’s personality depend on?

This question especially arises for orange cats because this coat color is actually linked to a gene found on the X chromosome, and not the Y chromosome. It is a genetic peculiarity, and that’s the reason why cThere are approximately three red males for every female red cat. This does not immediately mean that orange cats have a particular personality.

Just uno 2015 study that has analyzed the judgment that humans give of cats found that people generally believe that red-orange cats are friendly and nice, tortoiseshell cats distant and intolerant. The most aloof, shy, calm and not very active white cats.

The 5 traits of the feline personality

This is, of course, what people believe.

Research suggests that yes, even cats have it different personality types. A study published in Plos One identified i “five feline personality traits” that distinguish each individual cat: neurosis, dominance, impulsiveness, friendliness and extroversion. So for example, researchers have linked “neuroticism” in cats to anxiety. Those who have one low level would be more confident, calm and self-assured. Cats classified as impulsive would be more erratic in habits, reckless and easily distracted. Those with a low level of impulsivity were considered predictable.

Human prejudices on cat personalities

Again, yes it is about surveys which concern the personality of cats but who they are compiled by people. People who influence, and not a little, the conclusions with their human prejudices. It took some research to ensure that yes, studies reporting differences in personality related to coat color were influenced by the owner’s prejudice.

If not the color, maybe race can have an influence on cat personality? It seems, for example, that British Shorthair cats are less inclined to seek human contact than Korat and Devon Rex cats. But another study published on Nature extinguished all enthusiasm: within a breed there are variations huge, of course Belonging to one or the other is not enough to explain personality.

Not just genetics: the environment influences the character of the cat

Genetics cannot be the only factor that influences personality. The environment and how an animal is raised has a much greater impact. It is known for example that, if Kittens do not socialize with people by nine weeks of age, they are more likely to become anxious and end up never fully trusting humans and other animals.

Furthermore, we often draw conclusions hastily: a a fearful cat, who avoids interaction, may seem less intelligent. But also one very confident may appear silly because it is too carefree to the human eye.

Funny cat videos aren’t that harmless

