The funeral of Queen Elizabeth and the emotion of Charles III

L‘last, sad greeting to Queen Elizabeth yes it is carried out with an almost perfect ceremony in a historical event that was not seen in London since the funeral of father George VI, in 1952. She herself had approved every detail of a ceremony that today hundreds of millions of spectators have followed live from all over the world. According to the tradition of “pumps and circumstance”.

The Queen's coffin procession to Westminster Abbey

The last farewell to Queen Elizabeth

It all started just before 11am local time (12pm in Italy), when the coffin left Westminster Hall, where it had been on public display for days, and was transported in a moving procession on a military chariot, accompanied by the music of 200 musicians of the regiments dear to the sovereign. Behind the coffin marched King Charles, Anna, Andrew and Edoardo, followed by William, Harry and their eldest cousin, Peter Phillipsson of Princess Royal.

George and Charlotte in Westminster for great-grandmother

The emotion of Charles III (Photo by Hannah McKay- WPA Pool / Getty Images)

A few minutes of sober and solemn march, and the coffin arrived in Westminster Abbey, where two thousand illustrious guests awaited it, including presidents – from Joe Biden to Sergio Mattarella – prime ministers such as Liz Truss and former premier Boris Johnson, European Royals, dignitaries, sultans and sheikhs. And the little princes, George, 9, and Charlotte, 7, arrived with their mother Kate Middleton.

The flowers of Buckingham Palace and Charles’ note

Carried on the shoulders by members of the Royal Guard, the coffin has entered the Abbey. On the ancient oak coffin, chosen by Elizabeth herself, a floral tribute made up of flowers from royal residences and a handwritten note from the eldest son, King Charles III.

The arrival of the coffin at Westminster Abbey, 19 September 2022 (Getty Images)

From the wedding with Philip to the Coronation, Westminster in the life of Elizabeth II

Rich in hymns and readings dear to the sovereign, the memory of the important stages in Elisabetta’s life, which was the background of the Abbey, began the funeral rite, from her wedding with Philip in 1947, to her Coronation six years later. And Westminster Dean David Hoyle expressed gratitude and admiration for the sovereign and her constant commitment to her faith and devotion to her people.

George and Charlotte joined their parents behind great-grandmother Elizabeth’s coffin, September 19, 2022 (Getty Images)

The emotion of King Charles and Princess Anne

Charles, now king, did not hide his emotion in listening the readings from the Gospel by British Prime Minister Liz Truss and Baroness Scotland, Commonwealth Secretary General. And sadness overwhelmed Princess Anne’s face as she listened to the verses of The Lord is my Shepherda hymn also sung on the occasion of the parents’ wedding, 75 years ago.

William and Harry reunited after the Megxit for the funeral of their grandmother Elizabeth II. London, 19 September 2022 (Getty Images)

The second procession of Queen Elizabeth

At the end of the funeral rite, after the national anthem, the coffin was placed again on the military chariot and left for the second procession of the day, headed for Hyde Park. To march behind the coffin, again Carlo, William and Harry, who in honor of the sovereign seem to have finally put aside the grudges due to the Megxit. With them, several senior members of the Royal Family.

The homage of millions of subjects to Queen Elizabeth

Accompanied by funeral music played by the musicians of His Majesty’s regiments, Fr.The procession was greeted by over two million people who flocked to the streets of London and along the way to Windsor Castle, applauding as the coffin passed.

After passing Buckingham Palace, the procession stopped at Wellington Arch, where the coffin was transferred to a hearse and set off for the long journey to Windsor, where the Queen Elizabeth will be buried next to her husband Philip.

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