The Freeze Bottle Technique That Could Cure Plantar Fasciitis

07/01/2023 at 17:47


The plantar fascia is a “flat, thick, fibrous structure located on the sole of the foot.”

When it is inflamed, it is diagnosed with this name

Social networks are full of tips and tricks for our health and home thanks to the Instagram and TikTok reels and the latest trend of sharing useful tips. In this case, the osteopath and sports masseuse Pedro Garcia Lopez, better known as @remediosencasa, has shared a new tip that has gone viral.

This case is about a home treatment for plantar fasciitis. The plantar fascia is a “flat, thick and fibrous structure located on the sole of the foot”. When it becomes inflamed, it is diagnosed with this name. Pain in this area is due to a degenerative change in that fibrous tissue.

To develop this trick, the first thing you must do is freeze a small bottle of water. Second, fill a basin with very hot water. After, surround the foot over the frozen bottle for 3 minutes to deflate the fascia.

When the time has passed, make the contrast by putting your foot in the hot water for another three minutes. Finally, place a towel on the ball of your foot and stretch towards your torso for half a minute.
