The former lawyer of Mikhail Efremov became a victim of fraud

The lawyer who defended Mikhail Efremov, and now just a lawyer Elman Pashaev filed a statement with the police with a request to initiate a criminal case of fraud on an especially large scale against his acquaintance.

According to the lawyer, three years ago he lent a friend a million rubles and 8.6 thousand dollars on receipt.

“His wife was my chief accountant, he was honest, decent, a master of the highest category in car repair. He wanted to open a car service, he planned to purchase equipment with this money,” Pashayev said.

He added that he listened for a long time to promises that the person would give the money any day, after which he disappeared, since then he has not been in touch.

As you know, Pashayev defended the actor in court Mikhail Efremov in the case of the fatal car accident. The trial was remembered by many for the mutual attacks of the lawyers of the warring parties, including on television.

However, the result of the scandalous process was the removal of Pashayev and the defender of the victims, Alexander Dobrovinsky. They were stripped of their legal status.

Witnesses for the defense, brought by Pashayev, became defendants in a criminal case on giving knowingly false testimony, they were sentenced to corrective labor.


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