The former director of the Civil Guard Luis Roldán dies at the age of 78


Act at 10:10


who was the first civilian at the head of the General Directorate of the Civil Guard, the man from Zaragoza Luis Roldan, has died at the age of 78. He was admitted to the San Juan de Dios hospital in Zaragoza, where he remained hospitalized. He was sentenced to 31 years jail for his illicit enrichment while he was in charge between 1986 and 1993 during the Government of Felipe González.

Roldán was arrested at the Laos international airport on February 27, 1995 after being ten months in unknown whereabouts. Until shortly before, he had held the position of Director General of the Civil Guard and was a candidate for Minister of the Interior, although a journalistic investigation put an end to his political projects.

According to this investigation and the subsequent judicial conviction, Roldán illegally obtained a millionaire amount of public money that he obtained during the construction and rehabilitation processes of the barracks of the Meritorious and from other sources. Currently, he is credited with illicitly obtained capital of 9.2 million euros, which he claims he does not have.

ROldán began his political career as a militant of the PSOE, was councilor in the City Council of Zaragoza and his first relevant position was that of Government delegate in the Autonomous Community of Navarra. The discovery of his misdeeds caused great damage to the Socialist Party, which entered a time of continuous electoral decline.
