The Foreign Ministry responded to the threat of banning the supply of smartphones from the United States – RBK

Photo: George Frey / Getty Images

If the United States imposes restrictions on the export of smartphones and car parts to Russia, Western countries could suffer more losses than Moscow. This was stated by Dmitry Birichevsky, Director of the Department for Economic Cooperation of the Russian Foreign Ministry, in an interview. “RIA News”

According to Birichevsky, the information that the US is discussing the possibility of introducing a ban on the supply of smartphones, parts for aircraft, cars and other products to Russia was considered an example of “militant rhetoric” in the department.

“I believe that it is completely unknown whose losses in this case will be greater – Russian producers and consumers, or American exporters, whose opportunities for presence in our market will once again be limited by their own authorities,” he said.

Birichevsky noted that such measures do not comply with the rules and regulations of the WTO and “undermine the foundations of the international trading system.”

Reuters learned about the discussion in the United States of a ban on the supply of smartphones to Russia

Photo: Charles Rex Arbogast / AP


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