The flood: Aldo Grasso’s review of the TV series on Netflix

Genre: dramatic, thriller
Direction: Anna Kępińska. With Agnieska Zulewska, Tomasz Schuchard, Blanka Kot. On Netflix

Agnieszka Zulewska, the hydrologist protagonist of “The flood” (photo by Robert Palka).

Wroclaw, July 1997. The starting point of the Polish series The flood it is a date imprinted in the recent memory of that country, or the terrible flood that caused deaths and considerable damage to the territory.

Hydrologist Jasmina Tremer (Agnieszka Zulewska) is called to the city urgently following dangerous reports of the rising waters of the Oder River.

While the local politicians argue, the protagonist finds herself having to fight to convey the sense of imminent danger that weighs on the city.

Trying to faithfully trace the facts, and following a trend in which fiction is mixed with an almost documentary-style chronological story, the series becomes a confrontation between Tremer’s personality and that of local politician Jacub Marzczak (Tomasz Schuchardt), without losing sight of the secondary and surrounding characters. A thriller within a thriller; a personalistic view against the backdrop of an impending catastrophe.

From a narrative point of view, The flood it takes the form of a moral tale: the re-enactment of a drama of the past as a warning to face the crises of the present. Telling the superficiality and cynicism of power in the face of tragedy is a key to addressing today’s climate problems.

For those who love to reflect on the consequences of wrong behavior starting from real events.

