the fishermen test the nets and catch the first fish

After one week of work, the fishing operation in it sau swamp (Osona) continues as planned. This is what sources from the Department of Climate Action assure EL PERIÓDICO. ask patience and they assure that with five days it is not possible evaluater a long operation that can last six weeks. The first days, for the fishermen of Blanes and Arenys de MarAbove all, they have served to measure funds and test the networks before the shallow of the reservoir, a scenario that makes your job difficult.

Apart from some fish, trunks and branches have also been removed from the water, which complicate the work

Even so, without being the top priority of this week, every day has been capturing more amount of fishwhich does not mean that the increase has to continue to be exponential, as detailed from the ‘conselleria’.

He aim of the plan is to ensure the water quality and not so much the amount of kilos caught. On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, the fishermen managed to fill some drum with some how many fish. The forecast of a daily tonne of catches foreseen in the medium term by the Catalan Water Agency (ACA) is based on what was captured in 2005. At that time, to reach this level of efficiency, it took at least one week. In any case, the ACA maintains the objective: to catch 50 tons of fish to avoid that, during the emptying of the swamp, they die (also) in the water and contaminate it.

This Friday, ‘nautes‘ and ‘Cigronet‘, the two boats moored in Sau, have also taken trunks and branches of the water. They are elements that complicate their fishing work when they cast the seine net.

In the coming days, another pelican boat is expected to join the work, which can collect dead fish or floating elements on the surface, and also an electric fishing boat, to fish in corners that are difficult to access or with very little depth. .

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At the moment, the reservoir is located below 10% of its capacity, something that has exposed a large amount of mud. So that no tourist comes close, with the risk of being trapped, the Diputació de Barcelona and the ACA have closed the accesses to the reservoir for the next three weeks. Not only for safety, but for avoid crowds of observers.

Fishermen these days have noticed the pressure from media expectations media and curious. In the surroundings of the reservoir, throughout the week, residents of Vilanova de Sau or people who come from further away have been able to approach. Some comment among themselves and are surprised by the “secrecy” that wraps the operation. If they see someone who looks like a fisherman, they ask: “What time will the fish be landed?” But no one answers them.
