“The first thing I noticed was that the legs move”

Host Ellen Jokikunnas says on Instagram that she has been suffering from severe back pain for six months.

Ellen Jokikunnas suffered from severe pain for a long time until the cause was finally found. Riitta Heiskanen

Ellen Jokikunnas tells his art about half a year of everyday life with severe pain in the neck and back.

– Examinations, nerve medication, physiotherapy, magnetic resonance images of the neck and rest, the presenter describes on Instagram.

The reason for the pain was finally found, and the health of the favorite host has now taken a step in the better direction.

– When the pain settled in the thoracic spine and the strength in the legs disappeared and became numb, it was invented to take magnetic images of the lower back as well. It was then that a 5.1 cm arachnoid cyst was found in the spinal cord canal, which compressed the spinal cord. According to the neurosurgeon, so rare that he said I was unique and a lottery winner, in reverse.

The presenter had a valid health insurance, which allowed him to undergo private surgery. Otherwise, he could have had to wait a couple of years for surgery.

– After the surgery, the first thing I noticed in the middle of the pain and confusion was that the legs were moving. I’m bursting with happiness.

Jokikunnas says that he will focus on rest in the coming weeks so that his body has time to recover and heal from the surgery.

– In a month, I will already be in working condition for my profession, and after 2-3 months or in the fall, you can dream of making more strenuous physical efforts, squatting in the garden, carrying things and doing renovations. In the end, a pretty small moment in the long run. Now I focus on psyching myself up for inactivity and a managerial role, and I can tell you that it is not easy for me, he writes.

You can see the publication below or from here.

New winds have been blowing in Ellen Jokikunnas’s life recently.

He bought a winery in Italy some time ago. Around the same time, the host put his summer cottage, known from the Huvila ja Huussi program, up for sale.
