The first racists of the year, article by Maria Rovira

One in the afternoon, January 1, 2023. The 324 Twitter account publishes: “Zakaria and Dayla Mia, the first Catalans born in 2023.” And they appear. They never fail; They are tradition and symbol of day 1, the Vienna Philharmonic of xenophobia. The first racists of the year.

They usually comment on 324, but this news is the real big meeting. If the children are not named Júlia and Nil, the tweet has more convening power than a funeral. I understand them. It would be a shame if names like Marc were lost.

Rain of classics now and always: deny the catalanity of the creaturesclassifying them as future leeches (my stomach turns for the mere fact of writing it), appealing to the substitution theorycomment on duty by Sílvia Orriols and some ‘like’ that later mysteriously disappears.

Like the tweet from years ago Toni Moog, which also vanished. In 2016, she commented on the photo of the first baby of 2016 with her family, of South American origin: “Of course, Visca Catalunya … Touch your balls. She is Catalan what I am American.” She reacted to the barrage of criticism by claiming that it was a joke. You know, that type of joke totally indistinguishable from a phrase that is signed by the FNC or Vox. That limpid humor, one hundred percent laughter, which does not contain any trace of ideology. Then, misunderstood genius, he deleted the tweet. And perhaps not just the tweet: today I have only found a single online reference to the facts.

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Pau was the first baby born this 2023 in Lleida, and it also appears in the news. His parents, Ingrid and Carlos, are from Les Borges Blanques. Pau will not know what it is to suffer racism. He will grow up and no one will tell him to go back to his country; maybe the rest yes. And perhaps one day, many years from now, they will read the comments that a bunch of miserable strangers fired at the babies that had just been born.

This 2023 I want our country to be a safe place for all children. And that everyone who wants to can have their children in the country of their parents.
