The first pictures of Disney’s Snow White movie have been released – A furious reaction from fans

Disney’s staged version of the animated film Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs arouses wonder already in the making stage.

A staged version of the 1937 classic film Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is in the works. Courtesy Everett Collection

Disney’s dramatized version Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs -classic has already made people furious during its making. The first pictures from behind the scenes of the filming were published, showing potential actors for the main roles.

Many people have been surprised by the fact that only one of the actors playing dwarfs is short. They have been replaced by relatively tall persons and one woman. TMZAccording to the information received by by Rachel Zegler Substitute.

Disney is suspected of changing its iconic dwarf characters after the short acting star in January 2022 Peter Dinklage expressed his direct concerns about the upcoming film WTF on the podcast. Dinklage himself is not part of the film project.

– No offense to anyone, but I was a little surprised when they said they were proud to hire a Latino actor as Lumiki. But you still tell the story of Snow White and the seven dwarfs. Look a little further at what you’re doing – it doesn’t make any sense to me, Dinklage said on the podcast.

– You’re kind of progressive, but you’re still making a fucking backwards story about seven dwarfs living in a cave together. Have I done nothing to further the (short) cause from my soapbox? I guess I’m not loud enough.

Game of Thrones star Peter Dinklage’s phrases are suspected to be the reason why Disney ended up replacing dwarf characters with average-sized people. John Angelillo/UPI/Shutterstock

After the remarks, Disney responded to the uproar The Hollywood Reporter – magazine during the same month.

– To avoid reinforcing the stereotypes of the original film, we take a different approach to these seven characters. We have heard short people. We look forward to sharing more information when the film goes into production after a long development phase, a Disney spokesperson told the magazine.

“You take jobs”

Behind-the-scenes photos have shaken the world so much that it has made many short Hollywood stars defend their rights. One of them is the Jackass star Wee Manwhich tells TMZthat Disney is making a big mistake.

– It’s a bad thing, and I don’t agree with them. First, because you’re taking jobs that short people could have.

– It doesn’t affect me personally, but it’s still Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. So why are you hiring Lumik and seven people of average height? If they decide to do that, a lot of people are going to be angry, Wee Man reflects to the magazine.

Jackass star Wee Man stands up for the rights of short people like him. Rob Latour/Shutterstock

He therefore recommends that Disney start the entire film project from the beginning and hire new actors for the dwarf roles.

Also a TV journalist Piers Morgan58, has decided to take a stand on the surface topic in his Twitter post.

– They have bitten the poison apple of diversity and inclusion. Where is the consistency? Morgan writes in his publication.

– Yes, they are short, what’s wrong with that? What’s offensive about that? Morgan adds a video to his post.

Like celebrities, many people have expressed their opinion of Disney on social media. Dinklage is also getting accusing fingers pointed at Disney’s decision.

– In the new film, Snow White is dark-skinned, and there are no dwarfs. The Woke effect strikes again.

– If you hate the movie Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs so much that you change it to non-white and replace it with seven hipsters, maybe you shouldn’t do the whole project. The world is full of non-European fairy tales and mythologies that can pique the public’s interest – go find them.

– Thank Peter Dinklage for this. He felt threatened by anyone of his height because people might perceive him as overrated.

– So Disney makes a Snow White movie with an ethnic background actor and six non-short people who play dwarfs?

At the time of writing the article, Disney or the cast of the film have not yet commented on the uproar.
