The first official ‘seal keepers’ set to work in the Netherlands | Abroad

The first seal keepers started work along the Dutch coast on Tuesday. The special guards have received official training and are responding to reports of seals on beaches.

Last weekend the first eighteen seal keepers passed the training. They will work for three seal centers: A Seal in Stellendam, Ecomare on Texel and Seal Center Pieterburen. The seal keepers are needed to prevent bystanders from wanting to help stranded pups without any knowledge. This help is often not necessary, causes stress for the animal and is also prohibited.

Seal Agreement

The help for seals is already included in the Seal Agreement from 2020. This also includes the training of the seal keepers. “It is not always clear to the public why we do not immediately take a seal pup to a rescue center. It is important to be able to explain what we do and especially why. This gives the public peace of mind,” says Marco Henzel, trained seal keeper. The graduates also provide information about the habitat and the shelter policy of the seals.

After a report about a seal pup on the beach, the seal keeper decides what to do. Every effort is made to avoid collecting the animals as much as possible. First, the animal is observed for 24 hours. In most cases, the seal pup appears to be able to save itself just fine. Seals often leave their pups alone to catch fish at sea. The pup is then not pathetic and only needs rest, the seal centers say.
