The first images of Elodie in the film I eat your heart

THEElodie’s debut as an actress arrived: the Roman singer is in the black and white gangster movie I eat your heart by Pippo Mezzapesa, in rooms from September 22 and probably in some section of the next Venice Film Festival.

The queen of Italian hit parade (his new single Tribal is making sparks) also tries her hand as an actress. Colleagues like Emma, Annalisa, Fiorella Mannoia And Ornella Vanonthe. So why not give it a try?

We’ll see what she’s made of in front of the camera. For now let’s discover the first images of I eat your heart with Francesco Patanè, Francesco Di Leva, Tommaso Ragno and Michele Placido.

I eat your heart: the plot

The film, loosely based on the book of the same name by Carlo Bonini And Giuliano Foschini (Feltrinelli Editore), takes place in Pugliaunder the scorching sun of Garganoa territory contested by criminals who appear to come from a remote time governed by the law of the strongest. An archaic land from far westin which the blood washes with blood.

To rekindle an ancient feud between two rival families is a forbidden love: the one between Andrea, reluctant heir of the Malatesta (Patanè), and Marilena (Elodie), beautiful wife of the boss of Camporeale. A fatal passion that brings clans back to war. But Marilena, exiled by the Camporeale and prisoner of the Malatestadisputed and outraged, will strongly oppose a destiny already written.

Elodie and Francesco Patanè. (Photo by Sara Sabatio)

Elodie, Emma and the other singers / actresses

Elodie is not the first singer to make her debut as an actress. In unsuspecting times there had been Cristina D’Avena that after having sung hundreds of cartoon acronyms in the eighties he had worn the clothes of one of the characters whose theme he had sung: Lycia in the cult series Kiss Me Licia. And who forgets it?

In more recent times Emma Marrone she also proved to be a good actress thanks to Gabriele Muccino who chose her for the film The best years and for the series At home everyone is fine. Emma will soon be the absolute protagonist of the film The return by Stefano Chiantini.
Before her, Annalisa tried in Santa Claus is not from the North by Maurizio Casagrande, while Ornella Vanoni we’ve seen her lately in the fun 7 women and a mystery. Fiorella Mannoia she returned after many years on the set thanks to Michele Placido who wanted her in 7 minuteswhile Loredana Bertè in 2021 she indulged in comedy Hen party and teen drama Even more beautiful.

Elodie in I eat your heart.

Tribalthe latest single from Elodie

After previewing it on his TikTok profile Elodie launched the video of Tribal. And it was immediately boom. The singer of Bath at midnight, who scored on YouTube 21 million views, for the first time he tries his hand at a dance videowhose choreography was curated by Gabriele Esposito.

The musical language materializes becoming dance e telling a constantly evolving Elodie, always looking for new ways of expression. Also the cinematic experience is part of this path.

