The first block of the European Basketball Championship 2025 to Finland

The wolf gang is allowed to play at home in 2025.

Shawn Huff and the other Susijengi Kimmo Brandt / EPA / AOP

In Finland, the first round of the 2025 European Basketball Championship will be played.

Finland is one of the organizing countries published by the International Basketball Association at this year’s European Championships. The other early stage host countries are Latvia and Cyprus. The playoffs are played in Latvia.

This year, the European Championships will be played in Georgia, Italy, Germany and the Czech Republic.

Finland organized the games of the first round of the European Championships in 2017. A basketball boom arose from the matches of Susijeng, when the matches of the Finnish national team were fully watched and excited in several Finnish homes.

The home competitions were awarded at the time as the “Phenomenon of the Year” at the Sports Gala.
