the first Audience Intelligence platform to understand and connect with your consumers

In 2022, marketing occupies an increasingly important place within companies. With the digital transformation and the accessibility of data, brands have more and more opportunities to better target their offers or refine their knowledge of their audiences.

This is precisely the core business of Audiense, a London company that has developed an Audience Intelligence solution that offers brands the opportunity to rethink their marketing strategy thanks to a better knowledge of their audiences.

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chart of leaders in social media analytics, social media monitoring, audience intelligence platforms and influencer marketingchart of leaders in social media analytics, social media monitoring, audience intelligence platforms and influencer marketing

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In 2022, Audiense offers two major solutions to help brands improve their targeting: Audiense Insights and Audiense Connect. Two complementary tools that allow platform customers to exploit the full potential of big data. Some additional details on these two products:

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Illustration: Audience.

  • Audience Insights: the solution makes it possible to identify and understand any audience, however specific and unique it may be. With Audiense Insights, you’ll be able to create custom audience segments by cross-referencing lots of demographic data. The idea is to help brands make better strategic decisions, adapt targeting in order to run campaigns with more relevance.
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Illustration: Audience.

  • Audience Connect: this solution makes it possible to go even further. With Audiense Connect, brands can create and work with new communities by engaging directly with them on Twitter. Some brands, for example, use Audiense Connect to filter users in order to discover the most relevant ones. Others analyze the community of their main competitors, in order to also find interesting users.


Good knowledge of audiences is the key to a successful marketing strategy in 2022. There are so many possibilities, so many channels… Some companies get lost and that’s completely normal. However, rather than scattering, we must prioritize. Marketing thinking must above all focus on the audience. With its two products, Audiense relies on real consumer behavior to provide representative segmentation to its customers.

Brands that use such a solution will stand out and get ahead of their competitors. It is a very useful tool for a product launch for example. By getting to know your audience, you will be able to adapt your content strategy and propose actions in line with consumer expectations.

Concretely, Audiense proposes to solve three major problems that brands face:

  • Find the right community. It is a long and expensive process. With Audiense, the idea is to use data to define the right scope to address;
  • Incorporate social data into marketing strategies. Social listening does not allow you to work on the audience but only on keywords, whereas an Audience Intelligence tool like Audiense allows it.
  • The personalization of the offer: a profitable strategy that improves the return on investment.

With an Audience Intelligence solution, you will not only get to know your targets, you will also understand their mentalities, practices and uses: essential factors to guide your messages and your campaigns.

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Audiense makes it possible to understand the mentalities, practices and uses of its targets. Illustration: Audience.

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Targets can be segmented according to several criteria. Illustration: Audience

Depending on the audience identified using the platform’s tools, you will have access to recommendations on content likely to interest the target community. To go further, Audiense also allows its customers to identify and connect with influencers in order to establish possible partnerships. A step that will once again reach a specific audience, with a common center of interest. Now you know that in 2022, the key to a successful marketing strategy is the ability of brands to understand their audiences.

