The fire in Los Guájares (Granada) that already covers 2,500 hectares is still active

09/11/2022 at 01:14


During the night the extinction tasks will continue, which have 300 troops by land and twenty aerial means

The Forest Fire Extinction Service of Andalusia (Infoca) maintains troops deployed by land for the third consecutive night, in addition to different support vehicles, to try to put out the fire that was declared last Thursday in Los Guajares (Grenade) and that has already affected some 2,500 hectares.

As reported tonight by Infoca, the fire remains active and the weather conditions, like yesterday, continue to be adverse for the firefighting teams.

Once the aerial means were withdrawn with the arrival of sunset, 270 ground troops remain in the areaseven fire engines and three bulldozer tractors, according to the latest update of the operation.

In his last appearance before the media to take stock of the work carried out in recent hours, the director of the Provincial Operations Center (COP) of Granada, David Fernández, has indicated that there were several kilometers of active fire front and that, with the arrival of the night, Numerous convoys from other provinces would join to continue ground work throughout the night.

Throughout the day they have come to mobilize in shifts about 300 troops by land and about twenty air assetsand the work has been effective in certain areas of the perimeter that has been “consolidated”, around 30 or 40 percent.

But there is a lot of work ahead throughout the night.”has sentenced Fernández, who has encrypted the estimate of the affected area at about 2,500 hectares and who has referred to the steep and complicated topography that the land presents.

The scope of this fire has been such that the smoke and the smell of burning that it has generated has even reached different municipalities of the metropolitan area of ​​the Granada capital.

In addition to Los Guájares, a municipality in the Costa de Granada region where the fire originated around 1:55 p.m. on Thursday in the Paraje de Guájar Alto, the area of ​​action also affects areas of Albuñuelas and Pinos del Valle.
