The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency is targeted by a cyber attack – Services cannot be accessed

The duration of the denial of service attack cannot yet be estimated. KIMMO HAAPALA

The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom’s websites have been the target of a denial of service attack, and the services cannot be accessed. Traficom writes about it in the message service X (formerly Twitter.

– Traficom’s websites have been the target of a service denial attack today and access to the services has been blocked. Measures to prevent the attack are underway and services are being restored as quickly as possible. We apologize for the inconvenience caused by the situation, we write on social media.

Traficom ensures, among other things, business licenses and acts as a registration authority in Finland. A denial-of-service attack affects, among other things, that the information on vehicles or driver’s licenses may not be viewed.

Traficom has also republished a publication stating that denial-of-service attacks occur in various organizations on a daily basis. The CEO of Traficom also took a stand on the matter in the messaging service X.

– We get hit every now and then. It is always a good idea to report a denial of service attack. This way you get a good snapshot of what is going on.
