The Finnish Olympic Committee renewed its strategy

Network management will be seen more in OK.

The Finnish Olympic Committee announced the new director of the elite sports unit in July. Henri Kärkkäinen

The Finnish Olympic Committee has stated at the board meeting that the external evaluation of elite sports completed in the summer and other evaluation reports support the need to reform the operation.

– The goal of the reform is that the Olympic Committee’s three main choices – exercise and a physical lifestyle, club activities and elite sports – will be managed in the future even more strongly as a single entity and in cooperation with a wide network, OK’s in the bulletin it is said.

CEO of OK Taina Susiluoto according to the Olympic Committee, currently the Olympic Committee does not fully utilize its personnel expertise or work input in relation to the goals of the updated strategy.

The aim is to change management from a more hierarchical to a network-like one

– That’s why we aim to lower the management ladder and have bigger innovative Teams to support Finnish physical activity and sports, Susiluoto states in the press release.

– The focus should be on serving the broad national movement of exercise and sports responsibly, supporting the everyday life of exercisers and athletes, and managing the three main election entities

Renovations will be implemented during the fall. The results of the change negotiations will be announced in October.

Former top skier Matti Heikkinen was chosen as the new manager of OK’s elite sports unit at the beginning of July. He will start his career from the beginning of September.

The Olympic Committee got into trouble at the beginning of the year, when the head of the elite sports unit at the time To Mika Lehtimäki was given a warning for improper behavior. Lehtimäki resigned from his position in March.

After the uproar, OK’s operations were evaluated by many external factors.
