The Finnish B national team members surprised: “The best gift”

The men’s 4.75 kilometer relay was skied in Jällivaara. Norway won, Sweden was second and Germany third. Finland was sixth.

– This was the best dish of the weekend according to Finns.

That’s how Viaplay’s expert summed it up Sami Jauhojärviwhen the results of the men’s 4.75 kilometer relay race in Jällivaara were clear.

Finland’s B national team quartet was sixth in the competition. Norway won, Sweden was second and Germany third.

Lauri Lepistö skied a rather leisurely opening section in a matter-of-fact way and brought Finland to the exchange in the top group.

Markus Vuorela on the second part of the traditional, it was a little tight at the end.

– At the end, I noticed that when it’s not the sprinter’s fault, no body could tolerate the acid, Vuorela said in an interview with Viaplay.

Norway and Sweden escaped in the third leg. Remi Lindholm was 3.4 seconds behind third-placed Germany, and no Miro Karpanen anchored in Germany.

Newcomer Karppanen brought Finland to the finish line in sixth.

Last season, one men’s 4×7.5 kilometer relay was skied at the World Cup. In February 2023, Italy took a surprise victory on their home tracks in Toblach ahead of Sweden and Norway. Finland was fifth in the event, 33.5 seconds from the top. Skiing in the blue and white team are Markus Vuorela, Iivo Niskanen, Perttu Hyvärinen and Joni Mäki.

In last season’s 4×10 kilometer World Cup relay in Planica, Finland won a medal after a 14-year break. In the silver team, sivakoiat Cross mat HakolaNiskanen, Hyvärinen and Niko Anttola. For various reasons, none of them participated in the Jällivaara World Cup this weekend.

Remi Lindholm skied the third leg of the Finnish relay at the Jällivaara World Cup on Sunday. PASI LEISMA
