The finance app for children and young people from DHDL can do that

GetMoBie is introduced in the 5th episode of season 12 of “The Lion’s Den”. The finance app is specially geared towards a young target group and is intended to introduce users to the complex topic in a playful way at an early stage.

Exactly what is taught in school and to what extent remains a contentious issue. However, a majority agrees that many important topics are not covered in the German school system. The “GetMoBie” founders Moritz Beier and Benjamin Schliebener also see it that way. With their app, which they present in the 5th episode of this year’s series “Die Höhle der Löwen” (DHDL), they want to change the fact that the topic of finances, which is omnipresent later in life, hardly ever occurs in everyday school life.

How GetMoBie works

Since the app is aimed at a young, but definitely digital generation (the minimum age is seven years), it is clear and intuitive. All you have to do to register is download the app and create an account via email. Parents can then create a child account and customize it via the basic settings. Children and young people then act via a specially adapted version of the app, which is connected to the main account.

Parents can use this account to set a general financial framework, set pocket money and much more. The young target group can then dispose of the money in their version, create a money box and carry out other, simple transactions. All of this serves the purpose of introducing children and young people to the topic of money and how to deal with it in a safe environment. Ultimately, the aim of “GetMoBie” is to create a certain self-confidence and independence, but also to promote conscious handling of money.

Parallel to these basic functions there is also an app area for financial knowledge. This contains videos, games and one or two quizzes on the subject. Adults can also learn a lot about topics such as inflation or stock trading here. There are also ranking lists for the quiz, for example, on which users can compare themselves. “In this way, the motivation during learning always remains high and it is ensured that a lasting financial education is created in the end,” says co-founder Benjamin Schliebener.

Also interesting: These apps help you to keep track of your finances

The finance app at “The Lion’s Den”

The beta phase of the “GetMoBie” app has recently started and is available free of charge. In addition to the applications just mentioned, a payment function is also planned. This should then make it possible to transfer money to other users or, increasingly, to pay online in an environment controlled by the parents.

“With GetMoBie, we want to introduce young people to the world of finance and catch up on what schools miss,” says Moritz Beier in DHDL. For their further project, the two founders want 300,000 euros from the lions. For this they give up 10 percent of their company shares.

