The fifth character was revealed as Masked Singer in Finland

The Fifth character from Masked Singer Finland was eliminated, but at the same time Kruuna and Klaava joined the happy group of characters.

Masked Singer Suomi has already advanced to the fifth elimination. MTV

Masked Singer Suomi advanced to the fifth elimination on Saturday.

At the end of the episode, Dimantti had to remove his mask. None of the detectives guessed correctly, and it was a big surprise when the bottom of the figure was revealed Janina Fry.

– I’m known to throw myself into everything in the world. It was really liberating to be behind the character, Fry said.

Detectives Janne Kataja thought it was Timanti Baba Lybeck, Jenni Kokander’s guess was Anna Perho, Maria Veitola guessed the character to be Raakel Lignell and Christopher Strandberg guessed that the diamond would be revealed from under the shell Shirpa Back.

Janina Fry was revealed under Diamond’s figure. Saku Tiainen

The episode also saw a surprise when Kruuna and Klaava also joined the group of characters. The duo quickly performed the song I’m going to Esso’s bar. Detectives Christopher Strandberg was sure before the performance that he knew the identities of Kruuna and Klaava and guessed that they were behind the masks Riku Rantala and Know Milonoff.

Party animal, Banaani and Örkki also appeared in the fifth episode.

Masked Singer Suomi on MTV3 channel and MTV Katsomo on Saturdays at 20:00. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.
