The FBI on the trail of confidential documents that Donald Trump hid

Federal investigators from FBI raided on Monday residency in Florida of donald trump, a move that comes as prosecutors intensify their focus on the former president’s conduct. It is not clear why the agents were searching his property, and the Justice Department refused to comment.

An official of the White House said he had no notice of the action and referred questions about the raid to Justice Department. The House committee investigating the Jan. 6 riots also declined to comment.

Alina Habalawyer representing donald trump in several high-profile civil matters, including the New York Attorney General’s investigation into his business and his lawsuit against Hillary ClintonHe also did not respond to questions.

But Trump issued a statement. “My beautiful house, Sea-To-Lake in Palm Beach, Florida, is currently besieged, raided and occupied by a large group of fbi agents”, acknowledged the former president, who did not indicate what they were looking for. “They even entered my safe!” added the former Republican president who was victimized.

According to sources in the Department of Justice, Trump would have taken classified documents to Mar-A-Lago during his presidency. Documents that the tycoon originally kept in Trump Tower in New York City, said a person familiar with the movements of the former president. At the time of the raid, Trump was at his golf course in Bedminster in New Jersey.

Trump complained that he was being mistreated by “the Democrats who desperately they want to prevent me from running for president in 2024“, he added. The search, if confirmed, will fuel speculation that the Justice Department’s investigation into the January 6 riots that ended with the taking of the capitolcarried out by a mob of supporters, were orchestrated by Trump himself.

The Justice Department is also using a grand jury in Washington to investigate the efforts of Trump and his inner circleto create false voters and put pressure on the former vice president mike pence to nullify the 2020 elections.

by RN

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