The fastest (and most fun) fitness activities to get back in shape like in this historical moment the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace of 6 April, (date commemorating the first edition of the modern Olympic Games in Athens in 1896) has a special value.

An occasion that remembers as much as it is sports and fitness activities are fundamentals, not only for keep fit but also for interiority and mental balanceespecially in hard and difficult times: physical activity frees up energy, relieves stress, restores a good mood.

And although many personal trainers claim that “The summer body is built in winter”starting a business fitness in the summer is however a fundamentalboth for the body and for the mind. Which fitness activities should you rely on? Above all, fun disciplines, and possibly effective to see results and stay motivated.

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Fitness and remise en forme activities: is it possible to get back in shape quickly?

Izabel Goulart (@izagoulart IG)

It is true that there are sports activities that, if done correctly, help regain lost physical form faster. True also that «If the goal is to lose weight, the fast weight loss does not exist. Or rather, most of the time they regain the lost pounds” explains Paola Miretta, Personal & Fitness Trainer.

«Weight loss mainly depends on a regular life, which means following one healthy diet and do not drink alcohol, or at least do it in moderation. These two factors already account for about 80% of staying in shape “. But to this are added two other fundamental elements: motivation and physical activity.

Fitness and remise en forme: it is essential to regulate rhythms and sleep (well)

Motivation is the main driving force behind every recovery regime: “The mind is a fundamental component when practicing a sport or if you have a purpose like losing weight. To this must be added a healthy rhythm of life, that is to follow a balanced diet and also have a regular sleep»Explains the expert.

“It’s not just about sleeping the classic eight hours but getting a good night’s rest. In particular, between 2 and 4 in the morning, the pituitary gland works to produce the hormones that burn fat. Having a healthy pace of life and regular sleep allows for this storage. And it is for this reason that those who work night shifts can have weight imbalances ».

Five fast and effective fitness activities to get back in shape

1. Coordination and strength sports to increase lean mass

Among the fitness activities that help you regain fitness quickly there are certainly those that develop coordination and strength. This way, you go to theIncrease lean mass.

«It acts through a functional body building which can include for example weight lifting and CrossFit. So you work on the whole body by acting on both coordination and strengtha latter aspect that many women underestimate ”explains the expert.

2. HIIT and Tabata workouts for those who are already trained

It is also fundamental to awaken the metabolism. In this case, HIIT workouts are very suitableor High Intensity Interval Trainingwhich provide for aalternation of short muscular efforts with recovery periods.

«They are quite intense, for this you also need a medical permit, and they provide short intervals of work, about 20 seconds, with a few seconds of rest. The most famous is the Tabata protocol, a type of training not only at high energy but above all with high synergy, as it increased the muscle by also stimulating the nervous part “he adds. Paola Miretta, Personal & Fitness Trainer.

Due to their particular intensity, HIIT workouts do not have to be done daily but can be interspersed with aerobic activities. «We must also bear in mind that they increase the oxidative stress of some parts of the body because they load the ligaments a lot, which is why they are therefore not recommended after a certain age and especially if you have never trained ».

3. Tennis and Padel: keep fit while having fun

Tennis and Padel, in great trend, train coordination and act on the lean mass, because “thanks to the short clicks that are made to follow the ball, they act at the neuromuscular level“.

In particular, Padel is among the latest trends of the period, very similar to the classic version of tennis: born in Manhattan, it spread to southern California and then all over the world, including Italy. Lthe racket has no strings but is solid and the net dividing the field is lower. The fun, the endurance, the sprint and focus required, the same.

4. Swimming, hydrobike, aquafitness: ideal for draining liquids

Swimming is an aerobic workout, perfect for developing cardio-respiratory skills but less so for losing weight. However, we must consider that water massages the body and acts by redesigning the body and helping to drain liquids “.

For this, «all water sports as well as Hydrobike or Aquafitness are perfect when you have excess fluids that cause blemishes and cellulite because they stimulate local circulation so as to move and eliminate them. They are therefore ideal sports activities when the lack of physical fitness is caused by these problems ».

5. Pole Dance, the calistemic training par excellence

More and more women are discovering Pole Dance, ageless from 25 to 50 years old (and beyond, as J.L teaches it). “It is a calisthenics trainingthat is, it is a free body sport suitable for increasing physical strength without the help of tools and develops total body muscles, especially arms and legs»Explains the personal trainer.

“Un “against” of Pole Dance may be the discouragement of the early days, qhen it is not always possible to lift on the pole precisely because the muscles are not trained ».

Also pay attention to the neck and shoulders: «They are very stressed so if they are their weaknesses it is not the most suitable fitness activity».

6. Dance and Zumba, ideal for the most sedentary

«Dance and Zumba are too aerobic activities, perfect for getting back in shape. But there is a cons: they act much slower on the body compared to other types of training, that’s why they could be combined with more intense sports ».

Furthermore, as the person trainer explains, the function of group dances and of Zumba in particular, is above all to have fun and to convince the most sedentary to start a sport. The cheerful music, the easy and repetitive steps, the company are all positive factors that lead to consider these activities suitable for all. In other words, you burn fat while having fun.

7. Yoga and pilates, to stretch your muscles and find yourself

Both calisthenics workouts, Yoga and Pilates have the benefits of realigning the joints and stretching the muscles. «Not only that, like all fitness activities, these also stimulate endorphins, the feel-good hormones. In other words, the better you feel, the more you train by eliminating waste and “cleaning” the body ».

For this they are suitable for both redraw the figure but also for improve your mental well-being. Slower than other activities, even in this case they can be combined with more intense sports.

