The farmer is looking for a wife 2023, fifth episode tonight on NINE

TOabandoning city life in favor of the bucolic one for a good reason: true love. It’s the goal of The farmer seeks wife 2023broadcast tonight at 9.35pm on NINE. The reality show has reached its fifth episode and the challenge between the suitors becomes increasingly difficult. Five farmers – four men and a woman – looking for their soul mate.

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The farmer seeks wife 2023the previews of the fifth episode

To find the other half of the apple, Davide, Filippo, Gianluca, Roberto and Giulia have opened the doors of their farm. After the first eliminations and a date for two, now they put the contenders before a new test. It’s not about sadism, but about expedients to get to know who they are in front of better and try to understand who could be the right partner.

Filippo assigns Francesca, Noemi and Vanessa the task of harvesting and cleaning some potatoes. To decree the victory, the ball passes to a very important person for the farmer: his grandfather. Unlike the last episode, the contestant who gets the better of her rivals chooses the prize. In this case it consists of a romantic aperitif on the beach. How will the others who remained on the farm react?

We move to Veneto, where Gianluca is. Denise, Fabiana and Jenny have to wash and clean the tractors. And Gianluca’s father is invested with the role of judge. The winner gets a two-way date with the farmer. Among the Lombard valleys, however, Davide asks Alison, Aurora and Martina to clean the wheels of his precious cheeses. This time too it is the father who judges. The victorious suitor opts for a date in the woods and a manicure.

Still, Roberto decides to do a job together with Aneta and Francesca and the stake is a dinner in a special place. In the end, Giulia. The farmer who lives in the province of Teramo challenges aspiring farmers to a culinary test. The success of the dishes is judged by the future mother-in-law. The winner heads to a two-person match in the pool.

Giulia Montecchia, in the cast of the reality show “The farmer seeks a wife 2023”. (Discovery)

What happened in the previous episode: Aurora and Davide’s unexpected understanding

The farmer seeks wife 2023 It’s halfway there. Last week the competitors underwent a test in which each of them could and had to show off their qualities. Davide decided to test Alison, Auora and Martina by asking them to milk a cow. To his amazement, Aurora was the winner, who with a pinch of cunning got the better of their rivals. After all, «In war and in love there are no rules», he asserted. To then immediately add: “just a lot of milk!”.

As a reward was able to spend time with Davide in his special place, or where the cheeses mature. On paper they are different, but somehow they meet. Davide considers her a profound person and is moved when he talks to her. Aurora is a girl who “throws out her emotions”, is interested and would like him to look for her.

However, Davide must be very careful not to annoy Alison and Martina, who feel neglected. Alison, in particular, confronts this. «What can you think of me if you don’t know me?», he asks outstretched, complaining about the little time available. «We came here to meet you, it seems that on your part you always act impartial and don’t want to go unbalanced and don’t let any interest show».

Then, after a moment of fragility, he takes matters further: «If you tell me you’re interested you show me and you’re not doing that. (…) If you like a person, you find the time and the way. You don’t put yourself in our shoes. You put yourself out there, but do it until the end. You placed the advert (to participate in the program, ed) and then?”. In short, nerves on edge.

“The farmer is looking for a wife 2023”, Gabriele Corsi with photos of the competitors. From left, Filippo, Giulia, Gianluca, Davide and Robert. (Discovery)

The farmer seeks wife 2023: Giulia, Filippo, Gianluca and Roberto

Giulia tested Paolo, Salvatore and Simone with the horses. The most capable of grooming one in just ten minutes was Paolo. They arranged to meet by the river, but the conversation did not develop into a visceral interest on the part of the peasant woman. For her part, Paolo feels her being held back. «Do you want to fall in love? Are you at the right moment?”he asks her. Giulia says she is ready, but without anxiety. “If it comes, so be it, if it doesn’t come, I’m fine.” Alchemy is lacking at the moment.

Gianluca chooses a fundamental task for prosecco: faceting the cuttings, that is, the shoots of the vine. Denise, Fabiana and Jenny give their best, but in the end Jenny wins. They board a tractor towards a farmhouse, where a dinner for two awaits them. The harmony is evident, while Denise and Fabiana harbor a bit of jealousy.

The Tuscan farmer Filippo asks Francesca, Noemi and Vanessa to fill as many carts as possible with dung. Naomi wins, in whom he confesses he is interested, but advises her to come forward. «She made me understand that she would be there, but I’m the stubborn one, the tough one», she confesses.

In the end, Roberto. Aneta and Francesca compete with axes to split the poplar trees into four parts. Aneta wins and Roberto takes her out to dinner. He is evidently fascinated by the woman and eventually he snatches a kiss from her. «It was what I was looking for, what I wanted»confesses to the cameras. «We laugh, we joke, it puts you at ease. I got on really well with her, she acts tough but in the end she’s very sweet.”, says Roberto. In turn, Aneta says that she recognized Roberto’s insecurity, «because it’s the same one I feel. Many times I don’t feel up to situations and we have this thing in common.” Has a couple been born?

