The far-right Milei rejects Argentina joining the Brics

Argentina decided to reject the invitation to join the Brics, the bloc led by China, India, Brazil, South Africa and Russia and which represents 24% of world GDP. The far-right president, Javier Milei, He personally informed the members of those countries of this departure. “The foreign policy imprint of the Government that I have presided over for a few days differs in many aspects from that of the previous Government“, he stated. The letter was especially addressed to the president of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, as the temporary authority of that economic space. According to Milei, his Government “does not consider it appropriate for Argentina to join the Brics as a full member as of from January 1, 2024”.

The incorporation of Argentina as a full member of that bloc had been approved last August at the Johannesburg Summit. The Brazilian Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva had been the main promoter of that membership. Peronism considered it essential to expand the markets of this country. But that party lost the elections and Lula is completely out of position due to the ideological shift of his main regional partner.

During his electoral campaign, Milei anticipated that, if he became president, he would radically change the axis of foreign policy for ideological reasons. For capitalist anarcho, the Brics is made up of “communist” countries. The Government will prioritize its ties with the United States, the EU and Israel.

Russian response

“I can only regret the opportunity lost by Buenos Aires,” Leonid Slutski, head of the International Relations Committee of the Duma or chamber of deputies, told the official RIA Nóvosti agency. Slutski recalled that there are already more than 20 countries that want to access the bloc and recalled that “in terms of purchasing power parity” it clearly surpasses the G7. “Each State has the right to choose its own development path. Nobody forces anyone to enter Brics by force“.

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The far-right’s letter did not cause political surprise, although it did cause confusion due to contradictions in the message it carries. Despite communicating to the presidents of the BRICS countries the intention not to join the bloc, Milei expressed to them “the commitment of my Government to the intensification of bilateral ties with your country, in particular the increase in trade flows and investment”.

Mieli, who specially invited the president of Ukraine to his inauguration, Volodymyr Zelensky, He made Putin aware of his desire to travel to Moscow. “While waiting to meet with you, I take this opportunity to reiterate to you the assurances of my highest consideration.”
