The fan association is worried about the return schedule of the Jokers

Fans hope for an open discussion from Jokerit ry.

Eteläpääty ry is the Joker’s official supporter’s association founded in 2008. Petri Saarelainen / AOP

The Joker fans are watching with excitement and interest, because and under whose leadership the club’s representative team will make a return to the League.

– When not much is known about the facts, it is difficult to assess the whole, comments Roope Rätyvice president of the supporters’ association Eteläpäädy.

– We hope for an open discussion from the (Helsingin Jokerit) association in the direction of the fans.

Jokerit ry published a pack on Wednesday bulletinwhich mentioned the “new background company” and emphasized that no Jari Kurrilla or With Harry Harkimo have “no role in the new background company”.

– The announcement opened up a few things, but it also raised questions. It would be nice to get a little more answers, Räty states.

– It doesn’t help but to wait.

Harkimon Joel– son is married according to Iltalehti’s information in the background company mentioned in the announcement.

– As far as I understand, he is not a figurehead, and I don’t think there is even a need for one, Räty says.

– Values, foundation and a good future are much more important things.

Where is the home hall?

The Jokerit can return to the League in the fall of 2023, at least in theory. The license application must be submitted by the end of October.

– There is nothing surprising about the league’s requirements, Räty sees.

– It is clear that Jokerit belongs to the League – and it should be clear to every club that the product is better with Jokerit than without.

What worries Räty the most is the home hall issue. According to him, the Nordenskiöldinkatu ice rink is “only a good temporary solution.”

– The spiritual home of the Jokers is the Hartwall arena, but its situation is really difficult. There are a lot of open questions, and the sanctions don’t seem the simplest. What if the return pattern is tied to the arena? The rag spins.

– It is not a completely confident feeling that the train is pulling forward and the tracks are in good condition. There’s no way it would last one or more gap years again.
