The eye at stake. Perception, impressions and illusions in art: the exhibition is in Padua

Leye at stake. Perception, impressions and illusions in art is an exhibition that, starting from the relationship between movement and color, art and science, demonstrates how our visual ability to perceive can be easily deceived.

Many examples and ideas, from the Cinema dei Lumière, to Muybridge’s experimental photosto the works of Calder and Munari, Seurat, Kandinsky, Boccioni.

Part of the exhibition is dedicated to the visual-kinetic and psychology of perception research carried out by Group N in the 1960s. Five spaces in the city host as many installations.

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“Wechselstreifen” (1933) by Vasilij Kandinskij photo Paolo Vandrasch © Intesa Sanpaolo Artistic Heritage Archive).

INFO: Padua, Palazzo del Monte di Pietà and other locations, until February 26th.

