The extreme drought in the picture: a thousand-year-old church is emerging very early this year | Science & Planet

In Catalonia, Spain, a thousand-year-old church has literally surfaced. The church of the former Sant Romà had been under water for sixty years since the construction of a dam in 1963. Before that, only the top of the church was visible in the lake. But for the past three years, the Spanish region has been suffering from extreme drought. As a result, the water level dropped enormously and the old church resurfaced. This often happens during periods of drought, but it is extremely worrying for this time of year. The local population hopes that the church will disappear under water as soon as possible, because that would mean that they would have enough water again and would therefore no longer have to be careful with their water consumption. It is of course a pleasant attraction for tourists.


Mar 22 2023

Latest update:
22-03-23, 19:43
