The express formula to elect the new leader of the British Conservative Party

The Conservative Party has devised an express formula to elect its new leader. The nomination of the possible candidates was open this Thursday afternoon and will conclude next monday at 2 pm. Each application must be accompanied by at least a hundred nominations of so many other deputies, that reduces potentially to three, at most, the number of possible candidates selected on October 24. If there are two candidates left,will be submitted to a vote of the members, via onlineThe final decision“. “All the stages will be completed at the latest on October 28“said the president of the Conservative Party, Jake Berry, that together with the president of the 1922 Committee, Graham Brady, is in charge of directing the process. “If there is only one candidate, there will be no confirmation vote of the members,” she added. “We want to act quickly, and we will continue to do so because that is what the stability of the country requires”.

The requirement of 100 nominations sets the bar very high and prevents the waste of time with hopeless applicants. “A serious candidate, anyone who has a realistic chance of getting ahead, can catch up,” Brady explained. The nominees on Monday will defend their designation, laying out their Program in presentations that will be held behind closed doors. The National Cyber ​​Security Center has contacted the organizers fearing possible attempts to interference or sabotage during the competition.

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The British Chamber of Commerce has called for the election of the UK’s third prime minister so far this year to be held quickly. The resignation of Liz Truss “means that the UK now faces greater uncertaintyprecisely when it is at the top of a recession“. With the increase in energy prices, the inflation and the lack of labor hitting companies and the entire country “the challenges that lie ahead increase every day,” they warn.
