the expert explains the secrets of Benzema

The Real Madrid striker, who scored a hat-trick in the Champions League match against Chelsea, uses the cupping technique and shows the “signs” of his well-being on Instagram. Will this be one of his strengths?

Although we are in the period of Ramadan, a delicate moment for those who follow the Islamic religion, Karim Benzema last night he put on a show: three goals for Chelsea at Stamford Bridge, strength and power in the muscles. What will his secrets be? Let’s take a look at his account and find out at least one.

What is Cupping Therapy

Cupping, a technique that comes from Traditional Chinese Medicine is one of the Benzema wellness rituals. Why does a sportsman use it? It is very ancient, lost in time and returned with increasing strength, used by VIPs and sportsmen in particular. It is used to soothe various types of pain and to give benefits to the muscle groups.

How does it work

Elena Buscone, massage therapist, trainer, yoga and pilates teacher explains what cupping therapy actually consists of: “It involves the use of some glass, plastic or rubber cups which, applied to the skin, create a condition that would help muscles and tissues to relax, a improve blood and lymphatic microcirculation, remove toxins and stagnation of liquids. Used for neck pain, cervical cupping can be performed using different techniques. Some of these involve turning on the matches below the cup, useful for generating heat and making everything more effective. Others, however, work through the vacuum packing to stimulate blood circulation in the treated areas. In any case, both back cupping and cupping to treat pain in other parts of the body always leave gods red marks on the skin”.

Scientific Evidence?

There would seem to be no trace of it, but if the marks on Benzema’s back were to be inversely proportional to the achievement of his state of form, well some cups should be put on.
