The expense of raising a child? The data are in agreement

S.i is quick (see Elon Musk under the heading) to beat up Italy because it has few children and even allude to wealth as a contributing cause of our so deplorable denatality. The data say the opposite. Two researches in recent days have put pen to paper what all parents know very well: raising a child costs, too much.

The expense of raising a child? 7 thousand euros a year

According to Moneyfarman international investment company with a digital approach, based on the current cost of living, raising a child in Italy from 0 to 18 years involves an expense between 96 thousand and 183 thousand euros (just under the average figure of 175,642.72 euros calculated at end 2021 fromFederconsumatori Observatory). On average, over 7 thousand euros per year.

Ferragni-Fedez, from ultrasound to childbirth, the birth of Leone becomes social

The items of expenditure analyzed were over 150. For birth preparation only, for example, it is necessary to set aside between 5,600 and 19,300 euros. Obviously it depends on the solutions that everyone finds: the analysis segments by medium and high-end families. prenatal tests to the pre-birth course, from the kit to the accessoriesfrom the pram to the egg, from the changing table to the cradle, to the bouncer.

From 0 to 18, the cost of raising a child increases

From birth to adolescence, passing through childhood, the expenses continue. If up to three years you spend between 10 thousand and 25 thousand euros, from 4 to 5 you spend between 10 thousand and 27 thousand euros, between 6 and 11 between 28 thousand and 48 thousand euros and between 12 and 18 between 45 thousand and 74 thousand euros .

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Each age group has its own fairly specific spending categories. Thus, between the ages of 6 and 8, for example, sporting activities, the school canteen and the very current summer camps (up to over 3 thousand) but also medical examinations (between 420 and 900 euros) weigh heavily. and after-school activities (510-5,400 euros). For the 15-18 age group, sporting activities, which are decidedly more expensive (8 thousand euros), are joined by language lessons, clothing, videogames, holidays, pocket money, electronic devices, school books (1,164 euros), transport (600 euros ) and so on. The analysis is of course average and indicative but it is nevertheless useful to illuminate at least one reason, certainly not the least important, that it takes couples away from the prospect of giving birth to heirs.

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Empty cribs and birth rates, every year it gets worse

We started talking about the birth rate as a phenomenon over ten years ago and the data are getting worse every year. From 1.44 children per woman in the 2008-2010 period, we have gone to 1.24 children in 2020thanks to the effect of the pandemic. In 2021 there were 399 thousand newborns, for the first time below the 400 thousand mark. A decrease of 1.3% compared to 2020 (and 31% on 2008!). If at the end 2021 had seen a slight recovery, in March 2022 there was a real collapse: -3,997 babies compared to March last year.

Bank of Italy estimates: € 640 per month per child

