The expectation of love at the time of Flavia Prodi and at the time of WhatsApp

Aldo Cazzullo (photo by Carlo Furgeri Gilbert).

THEThe best maturity theme is the one about waiting at the time of WhatsApp. And the most beautiful sentence I’ve heard in recent months is the one pronounced by Romano Prodi on the death of his wife Flavia: «In the time spent together I also calculate the more than two years of courtship. I have never regretted having insisted so much».

Who today would court a boy or girl for over two years? Maybe a no said via WhatsApp is enough to make them give up, and to induce them to move on to another attempt.

«Waiting is a more complete joy» writes Eugenio Montalerecovering a concept dear to Leopardi del Village Saturday. But we have read Bobo Vieri’s interviews in which he talks about the girls taken in the bathroom of the discotheques, with whom he introduced himself in the middle of the coitus: «Ah, please, I’m Bobo».

Of course, between Leopardi and Bobo Vieri there are millions of normal human beings. And too much waiting can be inappropriate, as can too hasty an approach.

The funeral home of Flavia Franzoni, the farewell to Romano Prodi's wife

Nevertheless fascinates this idea of ​​the young professor Romano Prodi who falls in love with the student“I’m ugly, she’s beautiful”, and he comes forward, proposes himself, is rejected, insists, follows her – as Pupi Avati did as a young man in Bologna itself: he told it in a beautiful interview with Michele Brambilla -, he proposes again, he is rejected again, but he doesn’t get discouraged, maybe he receives a smile, a slightly less dry no, which becomes a yes month after month…

A little bit of everyone we are convinced that we can understand from a woman’s gaze if she feels a real interest in us. But in the end things can change. Or we can blunder.

Fernando Pessoa wrote that love letters make you laugh. Roberto Vecchioni added that only those who have never written love letters are really funny. In any case, it is better to follow in the footsteps of someone who loves you deeply – «don’t miss the various art show of someone in love with you for anything in the world» (Paolo Conte) – rather than chasing those who don’t want you and aren’t worth you.

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All articles by Aldo Cazzullo

