The European Prosecutor’s Office archives the investigation into Madí for Next Generation funds

  • The decree rejects that there are indications to consider that subsidy fraud was committed

The European Public Prosecutor’s Office has archived the investigation opened to David Madí, businessman and former CDC official, on his intervention in the management of European funds for recovery, Next Generation, which amount to 140,000 million euros. The public ministry of the European Union maintains that there are no “sufficient & rdquor; to consider that the one who was a trusted person of Arthur More committed an alleged crime of fraud in subsidies. The resolution, to which EL PERIÓDICO DE CATALUNYA has had access, circumscribes Madí’s actions in the professional field and as an adviser to the consulting company RSM, in which the defendant also Joan Ferran Oliva is one of the partners. The Civil Guard, for its part, reported that “at the present time & rdquor; there is no further incriminating evidence.

The investigations are born from a conversation that held on October 20, 2020 with the consultant Joan Ferran in which Madí, defended by the lawyer Olga Tubau, reveals that, together with other people from Foment de Treball, an entity to which he is an adviser, he met with Ivan Redondothen chief of staff of the President of the Government, Pedro Sanchez, to talk about those funds. This conversation alludes to the possible distribution of the Next Generation.

This talk was recorded by the Civil Guard in Madí during the ‘Voloh case’ of alleged influence peddling and diversion of funds to the ‘procés’ or diversion of funds the investigation, directed by the judge of Barcelona Joaquin Aguirre. It was the same togado who in August 2021 referred this conversation to the European Prosecutor’s Office to take charge of the investigations, as it involved European funds. Madí’s defense appealed this decision to the Barcelona Court, which rejected his arguments and endorsed that it was the European public prosecutor’s office, with headquarters in Luxembourg, although with a delegation in Madrid, who should investigate.

The consulting contract

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The European Public Prosecutor’s Office reports in its filing decree that Madí, when required, provided the advisory contract signed on January 2, 2019 between one of his companies, Nuvol Consulting, and RSM. In their statements, those investigated stated that the conversation occurred in the context of this consulting contract.

The prosecution argues that in that conversation “reference is made to the development of a imminent business activity & rdquor; in which Madí participates as an advisor. It stresses that it follows that the businessman “has contacts or private relationships that he uses for the development of his professional activity & rdquor; as an adviser in this field, “but at the present time & rdquor;, having exhausted “the possible avenues of investigation & rdquor;, it is not possible to determine the identity of the contacts and not even if they were used to “obtain or misuse subsidies European” by RSM for its clients. Therefore, it has not been possible to find out the amount of it either.
