The European Commission spoke about changing the world order

The world is currently witnessing the largest troop buildup in Europe since the Cold War, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said at the Munich Security Conference on Saturday, February 19.

She warned that the events taking place could completely change the existing world order. The European official again spoke about “Russian threats”, and called the current situation “the darkest days of Europe after the Cold War.”

Von der Leyen recalled that Ukraine had just celebrated 30 years of independence, and called the generation of Ukrainians who were born and raised in the country during this time “children of democracy.” “But now they face external aggression and interference on a daily basis,” the head of the European Commission emphasized, whose words are quoted by TASS.

She recalled that the European Union and NATO from the beginning crisis around Ukraine took a unified position, and confirmed that this unity will continue in the future.

Von der Leyen also expressed hope that the events around Ukraine would not lead to an armed conflict. “There is still hope that there will be peace. And this is possible through diplomacy,” she said.

At the same time, the President of the European Commission recalled that the EU is ready and other scenarios and therefore prepared tough sanctions. They concern, among other things, the energy sector, adds “Interfax”.
