The European Commission bans Tiktok from its devices

Tiktok says on Thursday that it is disappointed with the commission’s decision.

The European Commission bans Tiktok from its devices. PDO

The European Commission bans the use of the Tiktok application on its devices, Reuters reports, among other things.

In practice, the ban means that the Commission’s employees cannot use the Tiktok application on devices with official applications loaded in the future.

Members must remove Tiktok from their devices without delay and by mid-March at the latest.

Tiktok says on Thursday that it is disappointed with the commission’s decision, reports Reuters. According to the company, the commission’s decision is based on “wrong ideas about Tiktok.”

– We are very disappointed by this decision, which we believe is based on misunderstandings, the company’s spokesperson said on Thursday, according to Reuters.

Tiktok is a social media service where users can make and share short videos. Tiktok was launched and developed by the technology company Bytedance, which has close ties to the Chinese government.
