The euro is now considered to be the right point in terms of the dollar, with the following for the eurozone

For the first time in the next twenty years the state of the euro will be the point at which the value of the dollar will be given. That was intended to be, in 2002, toen de Europese eenheidsmunt be introduced and de dollar a tijdlang meer waard was.

Cees van den Boom17 may 202206:00

The euro is totaled up to 1.04 dollars, the last point in the year. A year ago the value of the euro was up to 1.22 dollars. Experts warned that de twee valuta’s dit jaar nog evenveel waard been zullen.

The origin of Russia in Austria is guaranteed by the change in the euro, according to Francesco Pesole, the value of the strategy for ING. Hij Ziet de Waarde van de Euro ten opzichte van de Dollar gesstaag Dalen sinds in February, toen Russia Buurland Oekraïne inland. Also, the poor economic prospects for the eurozone as a result of the increasing energy prices are due to people and roles.

The higher energy prices have been calculated by deducting impasses over gas emissions in Europe from Russia. Europese land because of the Russian gas af, maar charge nog not over full alternatives. The prospects for the European economy are in summer. Since the release of the International Monetary Fund along a large forecast for the eurozone that year is about 2.8 percent.

pension sorrow

May he also zijn other oorzaken, shows ING-econoom Pesole. “Soals het verschlissen tussen het monetair beleid van de ECB en dat van de Federal Reserve.” The Europese Centrale Bank (ECB) state for the mobile option of generating high inflation in the Damen door the rente te verhogen, and other zijds de Schade van der Maatregel zoveel mogelijk te beperken. For example, EU lidstaten with large government debts, such as Italy, should be quick on the basis of the omdat de rente op de state debt as a result also toeneemt.

Coming week Zal ECB-President Christine Lagarde zich uitspreken over de kwestie. In the case of monitoring of the central bank of rent from July to Verhogen. Het zou de eerste keer in Meer dan tien jaar zijn dat dat geurt. Ondertussen heeft de Amerikaanse centralebankenkoepel Federal Reserve de rente al verhoogd en is zo good as zeker dat dit jaar verhogingen zullen volgen. As a result of the insult, the dollar remains stronger in deze red tijden and needs the zelfs toe in waarde. Op de beurs is a storm loop ontstaan ​​op de dollar, which door many beleggers wordt as a secure haven.

The devaluation of the euro in terms of the dollar is not one of the consequences of the eurozone, shows Pesole. “It is followed by high inflation within the EU. The word at the moment before the veroorzaakt de import van products en diensten uit de VS. The zijn duurder become voor EU-landen in zo wordt de inflationed pressure verder opgevoerd.”

Hoewel de euro is gedaald, the niet zozeer remains aft to other values. Het bewijst vorornamelijk hoe strong de dollar is. The DXY, an index which the dollar reflects the value of the largest trading partners of the VS, reported and April the 19th year was correct. Zelfs ten opzichte van de Japanse yen bereikt de dollarkoers a record, then the munt bij uitstek goed stock is the gen economic Beroering.

Ingeprijsde verhogingen

Of het verhogen van the rente by the ECB de euro gaat redden, volgens Pesole simply depends on van hoeveel de rente omhooggaat. ECB auditor and president of the central bank of Oostenrijk Robert Holzmann at the beginning of my new year political that de pension dit jaar wel drie keer moet been verhoogd, met minimum 1.5 percent in total.

Volgens Pesole is not the full end. “The three renteverhogingen zijn dan al fully priced by the market.” This will allow the bedrijven prijzen alvast to be adapted to the new pension, waardoor een verhoging minder of geen effect heeft. Pesole shows that the ECB sea ‘hawkish’ (havikachtig) must trade. The term used is that of a given date from a central bank in which the rules are applicable and not subject to inflation.

The official forecast of ING is that the euro for the coming days is a value of 1.05 dollars per month. Pesole knows that when there is a risk of Schommelingen op the market, and it says that it isn’t worth it as it says: “I don’t think it’s worth it in euros and dollars that it’s not coming up on the market.”
